DirecTV HD questions

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Sep 30, 2004
Hi all, got a couple of questions if I may:

I'm looking at picking up a HD receiver and was wondering what all I might need in addition to wht I already have.

DTivo and 2 additional receivers
Single Head Dual LNB dish (I think this is correct). There are two outputs from the LNB to a multiswitch. The Multiswitch has two inputs plus an antenna input and 4 outputs.

I'm currently using 2 outputs for the Tivo, and one each for the other two receivers.

What I need:
I'm assuming a triple head dish is required.
(I will also be turning off one of the additional receivers in favor of the HD receiver).
So the new configuration would be 1 DTivo (non-hd), 1 HD receiver and 1 regular receiver.

One thing Im fuzzy on is, can I still use the multiswitch I have (do I even need it) or do I need a different kind of multiswitch?

Next question:
Assuming a multiswitch of any kind is necessary, what type of diplexers do I need to seperate signals if an OTA is used? I have 4 diplexers now they combine two different frequencies I believe.

Next question:
I realize the HD receiver and Tivo both require two lines each. Is it possible to dixplex together 2 outputs at the switch, then using 1 line to get ot the receiver location, using a second diplxer to split that back out again to connect the receivers? If possible, is there a different kind of diplexer needed since these signals are the same?

Last question:

Regarding the OTA. Is it a reasonable assumption that if I can currently receive a local affiliates off-air standard tv signal using an normal roof top antenna, should I be able to also receive that same affiliates HD signal with the HD OTA? I ask because I'm maybe 45 miles form the affiliates broadcast location, we can get their normal off-air signals just fine, but if I can't get the OTA HD signals, no point in buy that item.

Sorry fo rthe long post, hope you guys can educate me a bit.

The Phase-III triple LNB dish has a 4 port built in multiswitch. Your HD receiver only requires one line. The DTivo doesn't REQUIRE two lines but for dual tuner functionality it needs both. If you can pick up the OTA broadcasts just fine you should be able to pick up the OTA broadcasts. Have you gone to to see what it says regarding an OTA antenna?

You can still use your multiswitch but it will require all 4 lines from the built in multiswitch to be connected to it, and your switch needs to be a cascadable one.

In order to use one coax for both tuners for your DTivo you would need something called a stacker/destacker. That is quite expensive.
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HD Receiver Question? Which HD DirecTV Receiver would you buy?

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