I say bull on you YES they do. I bought a condo and the Address was BLACKlisted. It happened to me after I paid $1,000 for receivers.
No they don't but if you want to believe that go right ahead. I am not stupid enough to argue about this.
I say bull on you YES they do. I bought a condo and the Address was BLACKlisted. It happened to me after I paid $1,000 for receivers.
Well again , Never have I had to pay a Dime for any past utilities from any past Tennant's. So I guess address aren't black flagged. They have owed me up to 6 past months of rent, and I've taken D* receivers and Cable boxes left by past Tennant's. So you can't sit there and tell me they were paid up to date.
Again, Rare occurrences are possible, but very rare!
Not as wide spread as some are trying to make it out to be.
Really, Funny , Because One of my rental property just happends to be in Newton NJ! Funny!!Hello Everyone, I have no direct knowledge of Indiana or Illinois but in the state of New Jersey the owner of the property IS definitely responsible for utilities if a tenant defaults. I do not believe this covers Directv as it is not considered a utility.
Just my 2 cents
ONLY if they are in your name.Hello Everyone, I have no direct knowledge of Indiana or Illinois but in the state of New Jersey the owner of the property IS definitely responsible for utilities if a tenant defaults.ts
Hello Everyone, I have no direct knowledge of Indiana or Illinois but in the state of New Jersey the owner of the property IS definitely responsible for utilities if a tenant defaults. I do not believe this covers Directv as it is not considered a utility.
Just my 2 cents
Really, Funny , Because One of my rental property just happends to be in Newton NJ! Funny!!
Let me see you back that up with proof!. Because that house in Newton NJ I bought from a Tax sale.
I paid $56,000 for the house that paid off the tax debt owed and the mortgage that was left owed..
These people were $15,000 away from owning this house from the bank. So your going to tell me they were that dumb to pay all their utilities up to date and not do everything in their power to save their house.
No they were flat out Broke. They owed Everyone!
Had the Electric put in my name along with the Water, Sewer, Garbage , While in renovations, And not one past due bill came up.
The guys is right. Directv does flag the address and charges the current owner to pay any unpaid balances from previous customer.
What would happen if I used the movers connection and moved into a place that had an outstanding D* balance?
Prove it!The guys is right. Directv does flag the address and charges the current owner to pay any unpaid balances from previous customer.
Prove it!
So again. Ok I rent a House for 1 year.
I get Electric ,Phone,and Directv or Dish Network service.
I don't pay any of my bill for the last 3 months I'm there and I move out.
Where do the past do Bills go?
They Stay at the address for the next Tennant?
NO F'en way!. They follow me to my next mailing address.
Think about what you guys are saying!
It sounds to me like it has happened to some poor customers (who would otherwise be great new subs) for whatever reason but I know from personal experience it's not the norm. I've had so many tenant changes over the years (with unpaid DTV/Dish/Comcast/Gas/Water/Electric/ETC... bills) where the new tenant had no problem getting service. Either you guys fell into DTV's black hole of delinquent accounts by association or didn't take the matter up the food chain to someone who could fix it (Like Stone). Either way, you shouldn't have to jump through any loops with a solid credit report & a completely different name & SS#.
Edit: Still would like to see one of you give your information to Stone, if he's willing, to see what exactly set off the DTV alarms.
Again, explain how this happened?This is like arguing about someone taking a doo doo in a clear jar with the lid on to see if the crap stinks or not inside.
Again, explain how this happened?
You moved into a house, and you had to pay all the past utilities?
Or Just Directv?
You and the past owner/Tennant have identical last names and SS#?
Wow, you better watch out, you don't get Hit with his Car payments .
They got mailed there too, and he parked it at the house too.![]()
I know personally that phone companies do block addresses. Addresses with numerous fraud flags can get permanently banned until certain information is received, and cleared by an actual fraud person. It is rare, but there are fraud department employees that work with this kind of thing as a full-time job.Yea real original.
Sorry, no way shape or form, do I believe that a previous customers debt hung around a previous address for a totally new person to pay off.
NO Way!!!
Cable,Electric,and Phone companys don't do it. So no way do I believe this in any way.
My tenents have never had any issues getting any services, from previous tenents debits.
Stop BS'ing and lets hear the real story.![]()