Directv dispute with Viacom IS OVER!

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This is what will hurt Viacom the most. July is a sweeps month. Sweeps go through the 25th. Nielsen Sweeps Dates

This could not be at a worse time for Viacom. If they cannot deliver the GRPs to their advertisers during sweeps they are going to have to make it up. Plus they will be straddled with low ratings for ad sales until the next sweeps period in November! This dispute is going to kill their ad rates for at least 6 months.

Whomever had the contract of the largest pay TV provider expire in a sweeps month should be fired. Of course that was 7 years ago and DIRECTV was not quite so big...
Whomever had the contract of the largest pay TV provider expire in a sweeps month should be fired. Of course that was 7 years ago and DIRECTV was not quite so big...

I wonder if this has to do not so much with the price they are paying per channel, but with Viacom demanding they carry additional channels--e.g. Epix or the MTV Digital Suite (Jams, Hits, Pure Country etc.) and paying those fees? If memory serves me, they had a spat in 2007 as well--and we ended up with Nicktoons and Teen Nick. I can imagine its something along the lines of carrying the additional channels and keeping the rate the same for the existing ones, or take a price increase that is as much, or nearly as much, as if they had added the channels...

Honestly I don't think Epix or the Digital Suite would be a bad thing--but only if it was tiered accordingly (Choice Extra+ or HD extra pack or higher) and everyone else didn't have to pay more because of it. I just get the feeling this could be it--especially because of how outspoken Directv was against Epix when it launched in 2008--and how Dish carries all 3 feeds now.
Another update from DIRECTV

[h=6]We continue to draw closer to a long-term agreement with Viacom, and keep asking that they return their networks while we finalize details. Our goal is to keep you connected at a reasonable cost for the next several years, so your family needn't endure another unnecessary interruption of these networks.

Today Viacom returned free online access to many of its shows, so you can check and Viacom's own free websites for new episodes within 24 hours of their initial telecasts. We look forward to resolving this matter in your favor very soon, and until then, please enjoy our special free previews of the MLB Strike Zone and MLB Extra Innings (Channels 719-749): Encore movie networks (Channels 535-542); and the permanent addition of Disney Junior on Channel 289. Thank you again for your continued patience.
what is a sweep month?

i know directv isn't giving us anything special with the EI trial as it was coming regardless, but i haven't even thought about viacom since losing them, and watching baseball has fulfilled my daily tv requirement
These black outs bothers me, i will try to explain why,, hope you all can understand.

Dtv says the are trying to protect us from a price increase, while Viacom is trying to get more money, so Dtv blocks Viacom shows so it efects us the paying customer, so we will dislike Viacom, and Viacom signs a contract with Dtv and we get our Paid tv back, and in a year Dtv will up our cost to level this problem? and claim somthing else?

seems to me its a What comes around goes Around problem? and the Problem is the paying customers.

(have anybody ever read the electronic contracts you have agreed to) from any service? appple, comcrap, Dtv,verizon?

Maybe I am just being dumb but if any, Any Any business really wanted your money thay would bend over backwards to get it? and if they really needed it they would give to get your money?

sorry i cant explain my point better, I guess its like i feel that, we that pay for tv are the problem. and the the big boys find ways to make us pay more? not sure.

time to get some rabbit ears :)
These black outs bothers me, i will try to explain why,, hope you all can understand.

Dtv says the are trying to protect us from a price increase, while Viacom is trying to get more money, so Dtv blocks Viacom shows so it efects us the paying customer, so we will dislike Viacom, and Viacom signs a contract with Dtv and we get our Paid tv back, and in a year Dtv will up our cost to level this problem? and claim somthing else?

seems to me its a What comes around goes Around problem? and the Problem is the paying customers.

(have anybody ever read the electronic contracts you have agreed to) from any service? appple, comcrap, Dtv,verizon?

Maybe I am just being dumb but if any, Any Any business really wanted your money thay would bend over backwards to get it? and if they really needed it they would give to get your money?

sorry i cant explain my point better, I guess its like i feel that, we that pay for tv are the problem. and the the big boys find ways to make us pay more? not sure.

time to get some rabbit ears :)

Ok, but Viacom made Directv remove the channels forcefully because D* did not want to have to raise your bill (Much) so they are trying to get the consumer a better deal on the programming. D* didn't take the channels off to get the consumer involved, they took them off because Viacom wanted too much money from you and wouldn't budge and when D* told them no and the contract ran out Viacom made them take away the channels.
Ok, but Viacom made Directv remove the channels forcefully because D* did not want to have to raise your bill (Much) so they are trying to get the consumer a better deal on the programming. D* didn't take the channels off to get the consumer involved, they took them off because Viacom wanted too much money from you and wouldn't budge and when D* told them no and the contract ran out Viacom made them take away the channels.

Full circle thought, its a boxing match? and we are the prize if not now then later? V say pull our channels and let the kids cry, D says ok you will be sorry, v says no, we both will be sorry. D has to make deals with expiring contracts, all nighters on explaing why the Viacom isnt on the menu any more. making deals with existing contracts. Viacom is the bad guy but they are now in the news. Also I have had 2 knockes at my door, 1 Comcast, 2 Verizon, asking me to jump ship, and they used the Viacom prblem as a reason. After looking at the rates of C-cast and verizon makes me think that this will be a dead lock price hike for D*.

Looks like Verizon is stepping over Dtv for power (using the D*signal) I hate verizon! but looks like they are locking everything in, I bet you a beer in 2 years Verizon will have the NFL package.

Alacart needs to make a come back.
Full circle thought, its a boxing match? and we are the prize if not now then later? V say pull our channels and let the kids cry, D says ok you will be sorry, v says no, we both will be sorry. D has to make deals with expiring contracts, all nighters on explaing why the Viacom isnt on the menu any more. making deals with existing contracts. Viacom is the bad guy but they are now in the news. Also I have had 2 knockes at my door, 1 Comcast, 2 Verizon, asking me to jump ship, and they used the Viacom prblem as a reason. After looking at the rates of C-cast and verizon makes me think that this will be a dead lock price hike for D*.

Looks like Verizon is stepping over Dtv for power (using the D*signal) I hate verizon! but looks like they are locking everything in, I bet you a beer in 2 years Verizon will have the NFL package.

Alacart needs to make a come back.

You'd lose that bet. D* has exclusive rights in the US for 3 more seasons.
Sweeps months are February, May, July, and November. It's been a hectic week of a nightmare for DirecTV subscribers like me missing out on Degrassi. More than 168 Hours of chaos. Soon the nightmare be over, and possibly be Day 8 of the Viacom Blackout tomorrow. I hope this won't be the neverending dispute, I hope the nightmare ends. Thanks :)
Full circle thought, its a boxing match? and we are the prize if not now then later? V say pull our channels and let the kids cry, D says ok you will be sorry, v says no, we both will be sorry. D has to make deals with expiring contracts, all nighters on explaing why the Viacom isnt on the menu any more. making deals with existing contracts. Viacom is the bad guy but they are now in the news. Also I have had 2 knockes at my door, 1 Comcast, 2 Verizon, asking me to jump ship, and they used the Viacom prblem as a reason. After looking at the rates of C-cast and verizon makes me think that this will be a dead lock price hike for D*.

Looks like Verizon is stepping over Dtv for power (using the D*signal) I hate verizon! but looks like they are locking everything in, I bet you a beer in 2 years Verizon will have the NFL package.

Alacart needs to make a come back.
Ill take a Blue moon please!
Sweeps months are February, May, July, and November. It's been a hectic week of a nightmare for DirecTV subscribers like me missing out on Degrassi. More than 168 Hours of chaos. Soon the nightmare be over, and possibly be Day 8 of the Viacom Blackout tomorrow. I hope this won't be the neverending dispute, I hope the nightmare ends. Thanks :)

168 hours of chaos? i doubt anyone takes TV that seriously, especially one show. you can just watch it online if a tv show is that important in your life
I am sure Teen Nick will rerun the crap out of those Degrassi episodes once the channels return and offer them online.
Sweeps months are February, May, July, and November. It's been a hectic week of a nightmare for DirecTV subscribers like me missing out on Degrassi. More than 168 Hours of chaos. Soon the nightmare be over, and possibly be Day 8 of the Viacom Blackout tomorrow. I hope this won't be the neverending dispute, I hope the nightmare ends. Thanks :)

2 words

and dont say "oh its too hot".....damn I was out yesterday working on the dish farm and it was 100 out with heat index of 106.
I've seem to be losing weight that way...working out in the heat :)

Enjoy life....TV is secondary. Its not life and death.
Go for a walk or a bike ride
go check on an elderly neighbor...make sure they're ok (especially if its hot and they dont have AC)
hell download some porn or go on youtube and look for songs you like
Another interesting article, this one about Jon Stewart blasting Viacom on The Daily Show Last night, and at the end it states that the two are close to an agreement. :)

Viacom restores online programming after Jon Stewart rips handling of DirecTV dispute - FierceCable

DirecTV in March was a major sponsor of The Daily Show forthe entire month when they said the show was in HD under it, it said "presented by DirecTV" and as they went into first commercial break it would say "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart is brought to you by DirecTV" with the DirecTV logo on the screen followed by a DirecTV commercial
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