Directv dispute with Viacom IS OVER!

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Viacom is biting the hand that feeds them and this will come back to them hard with all the dirty things they are doing is making them look bad and since it seems more and more people are turning against Viacom the more truth they hear about this dispute :)
I'm not going to ask for any credit because Viacom is being the child in this fight. And Directv appears to be trying to work this out in a fair way for us.
I called them nicely about the refer a friend missing Credit, They have to research and get back to me in a week. That Sucks!

Then I asked about Viacom, And they gave me $5 off for 3 months for dispute, and $5 off Starz for 6 months,and $5 off Sports pack for 6 months!

So that was nice of them. I would have been happy with a couple PPV coupons!:)
Isn't false advertising illegal? So I can sue the Hulk for talking out his wazoo?

the fact he didnt use "BROTHER" 15 times in the promo disappointed me......If you're going to do a promo have Hulkster do it on thge fly not this is what you are gonna read
What is shocking to me is the lack of outrage and the slow posting in this thread. I would have thought there would be close to 1000 posts concerning this.

I hope Viacom is monitoring this thread and realizes that they better hurry back to the negotiating table since it appears that the world isn't ending for DirecTv.
What is shocking to me is the lack of outrage and the slow posting in this thread. I would have thought there would be close to 1000 posts concerning this.

I hope Viacom is monitoring this thread and realizes that they better hurry back to the negotiating table since it appears that the world isn't ending for DirecTv.
I agree, and normally I would be outraged, But this clearly looks like Viacom just being a bunch of greedy jerks.

They are basicly tell customers to f off. And that makes me mad!
AMC dispute was different with Dish, atleast AMC would defend it self with facts, not just random unfactual fire!

Charlie Trying to say AMC was a poor rating channel, well a monkey could have looked up that info and proved it false!

This isn't Charlie crying wolf! This is Viacom CEO wanting more money. Thats a Crock!
Dateline Jan 27 2012 - Philippe Dauman earnings were down from the previous shortened fiscal year, when he made $84.5 million thanks to big one-time awards, while chairman Sumner Redstone saw his compensation rise by a third.

Dateline Dec 27 2011 - After already paying $150 million to former shareholders of Harmonix, arbitrators have determined that Viacom owes an additional $383 million to the video game company that created Rock Band, according to a regulatory filing on Tuesday.

And you wonder why they are trying to screw the public? They have a team of lawyers and overpriced executives to pay. They are trying to pay for their sins with the consumer dollar. It's time to take out the garbage at Viacom.
This is true, but its business not personal.
If the electric company shut off your electric Directv would say F you pay me!!

Yes but I'm not going to call Directv and complain. Viacom is not acting in good faith. Why punish Directv or ask for handouts?
Yes but I'm not going to call Directv and complain. Viacom is not acting in good faith. Why punish Directv or ask for handouts?
You can do what you want. Thats doesn't mean your more right then anyone else here. 2 Billion dollar companys don't make me shed tears. When it effects us , they should compensate.

If Directv had a problem with it, well maybe they should better their nagotiation skills and the customer wouldn't have to go through this mess. If it wasn't for the customer, they would not be taking home 10's of millions a year.
I hope they never come back on a lower my bill $0.25 a month thats about what their "content" is worth to me. Another reason to offer a la cart programing this way you pay for what you really want and the ones you don't is not sticking it to you every month!
I haven't had a chance to read all the posts today so this may have been covered. Has anyone noticed the 41 minute Mike White video on your DVR? It's just the same loop as on the -1 channels,but takes up 41 minutes of hard drive space. It just showed up on my HR22 this morning. I was able to delete after I played it a second which put it in my playlist. It also removed the extra banner ads for it.
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You can do what you want. Thats doesn't mean your more right then anyone else here. 2 Billion dollar companys don't make me shed tears. When it effects us , they should compensate.

If Directv had a problem with it, well maybe they should better their nagotiation skills and the customer wouldn't have to go through this mess. If it wasn't for the customer, they would not be taking home 10's of millions a year.
Wow, Have you been seeing how Viacom has been acting during this? Lies and blocking anyone that speaks the truth. Now they removed the online videos of the shows?
Viacom Yanks Free TV Shows From Web Amid DirecTV Impasse - 2012-07-11 19:29:08 | Multichannel News

Wow! Now Viacom is screwing everyone. Do they realize that by doing this it only makes them look bad? Even those fans that may support them may now be turned off by this little act.

According to this story this is what Directv wanted them to do before this all happened. I guess they didn't like all of the shows being online for free. [video],0,5563710.story[/video]
I'm not going to ask for any credit because Viacom is being the child in this fight. And Directv appears to be trying to work this out in a fair way for us.

I thought that way at first, but the more I think about it I think DTV may be just as bad here. I actually think this is more of a pissing match between DTV and Netlflix, with Viacom providing the means.

Here's why:
DTV is trying to protect the old model (c'mon the ala carte language is just being used because they know consumers want it DTV has no intention of offering these channels ala carte), they are seemingly upset that Viacom makes the content available on other providers (Netflix) which means Viacom gets there take but DTV loses out.

This fight is more about slowing down Netflix and other providers that strike deals with Netflix.

Short-term everyone is rooting for DTV in this fight, but if what I described above is what is going on, we may want Viacom to win.

Just my two cents.
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the fact he didnt use "BROTHER" 15 times in the promo disappointed me......If you're going to do a promo have Hulkster do it on thge fly not this is what you are gonna read

I can't watch TNA Impact because Spike TV has been pulled? Oh "BROTHER." No Nookie,no "the Complication," no J-Moni:(?
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