What's the latest FOX term "In active concern with".

Setting up a 3rd company that they owned 50/50 would be no different than merging, or partial merging.
Maybe NPS should sell DNS, Locals, and HD!
But than after awhile, what's left to justify Dish staying in business as a DBS provider? The more the company has to offer, the more revenue created to cover operating expenses.
Don't get me wrong, I think there would be a lot of benefit if they could combine some operations, such as up-linking/down-linking common services such as Locals. And even better would be if there was a common platform to receive signals on, i.e., equipment compatibility. I think equipment compatibility would increase one's chances of switching DBS service more quickly than now.
(A major benefit to the world would be more available bandwidth, and less space junk.)
Maybe it would not eliminate competition; but really, it would depend on how it was all done. But if they merged all/most operations, but just did not merge on paper as a single company, that would be like husband and wife rolling around on the sheets in a community property state. Do you think there is competition there?
would then still be able to charge their customers whatever the market would bear
You are right, they could charge their customers whatever the market would bear.... That is, whatever price they agree on between themselves.
So that leaves.
They would have to improve on something else, like customer service.
Ha ha, they both contract it out to the same overseas company.
I think we agree, it can be done in a way to work.
