Directv cant fix my problem! NEED HELP!


New Member
Original poster
Nov 15, 2004
Since D* installed 2nd dish for locals 2 weeks ago I have a bleep and blip sound coming from spkrs (sounds like atari pong game). I have switched audio receivers, rerun spkr wires, systematically disconnect other components nothing gets rid of this noise. I have 7 lines, 6 for tv and 1 tivo.Finally I remove all lines from 8 way multiswitch going to receivers in my home after plugging in 1 cable at a time no noises till I connect cables 5 and 6. Directv tech replaced and grounded multiswitch and kept scratching his head and says MAN I CANT FIX THIS ! Will try anything! THANKS RICHIE
Sound to me this is a grounding issue, how, sorry that I can't explain because I don't know how the tech do the installation.
What type of reciever do you have hooked up where the problem is?
Some recievers require a filter when hooking up a 2nd dish.
Welcome to Satelliteguys!! :welcome

Which multiswitch are you using? Make sure it's a 6X8

Also, if your system isn't grounded properly (and this could be an issue where you have an exposed copper wire somewhere on one of your coax lines) you may hear some strange noises. It's like when you wire up a car stereo. If you don't have it grounded properly you will hear the engine rev as a high pitched noise in your speakers.

not enough coaxial cables

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