DirecTV 10 Signal Reading Thread(Transponders are Hot!)

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Should I be worried ? I pass all the tests B-Band on chanel 499 , 5 LNB Dish and get a great signals off 101 (TP-32 is even at 100%) but I still get 0's across the boarde on 103b.
do you have the H20 or the HR20? If you have the HR 20, did you switch tuners during the test and try the other one out?

If you have an H20, I'd be making a phone call to D* and start the ball rolling because you may have an issue with the box, or believe it or not, the LNB on your dish.
My Numbers

I had my new dish put in two weeks ago. I became a little skeptical when my installer said when asked a question I guess was a little to technical for him "this is my first week working by myself" Well, the numbers on the bird ran from 60 to 84. After peaking the thing myself I get....

96 96 95 96 92 95 92 96
92 95 95 96 94 96
95 98

The numbers across the other sats are good too. This is in North East Alabama.

He did say that he had been to a class that morning on aligning these new dishes, but apparently he didn't learn much.
I had my new dish put in two weeks ago. I became a little skeptical when my installer said when asked a question I guess was a little to technical for him "this is my first week working by myself" Well, the numbers on the bird ran from 60 to 84.

Heh, same thing here except my installer had apparently been doing this for a VERY long time. He did a crappy job lining up my dish even at 101. Acted like he knew what the hell he was doing, but apparently didn't. I wasn't able to get a bunch of channels after he left. I called him to tell him and he said he would come back, but never showed. I finally got tired of waiting and did it myself. Gotten REALLY high SS since then. Even the 103(b) numbers are great.
Installer didn't lock down the dish.

Heh, same thing here except my installer had apparently been doing this for a VERY long time. He did a crappy job lining up my dish even at 101. Acted like he knew what the hell he was doing, but apparently didn't. I wasn't able to get a bunch of channels after he left. I called him to tell him and he said he would come back, but never showed. I finally got tired of waiting and did it myself. Gotten REALLY high SS since then. Even the 103(b) numbers are great.

I forget to mention when I went up the ladder and got a hold of the dish to give it a shake to see how sturdy the mount is, it moved. He didn't lock it down. But if he had of locked it down it was still a very poor job of alignment. The guy was soooooo slow that he should have had it prefect. I didn't think he was ever going to leave. I realize that he didn't have 103b up to check, but their was signal from 103a he could have used.
I forget to mention when I went up the ladder and got a hold of the dish to give it a shake to see how sturdy the mount is, it moved. He didn't lock it down. But if he had of locked it down it was still a very poor job of alignment. The guy was soooooo slow that he should have had it prefect. I didn't think he was ever going to leave. I realize that he didn't have 103b up to check, but their was signal from 103a he could have used.

For the most part mine was locked down. He only left the tilt loose, so I had to fix that too. has apparently died. I can't get the page to load up at all now. An hour ago I got the message that they were really busy and to try again. Oh well, I guess it will come up when its able.
Q: Whats the b-band test channel?

A: Channel 499 on the H20-H21,HR20-HR21 will say searching for Sat #771 if everything checks out OK with the B-band converter or you will get a graphic screen that the B-band converter(s) are missing if they can't be detected.

I suspect in time the OK response will change once the new HD stuff becomes fully active.

Matt the installer
I thought my installation was good. Had to tweak elevation and azimuth and went from 30-50 up to 65-90. Took a level outside and see that the installer didn't even do that right. Now I've gotta figure out how to level the mast without too much effort. What a PIA. I know the guy couldn't see 103b, but the least he could have done was mount the pole correctly.
I think if we dont have HD by Friday then I will be upset, since D* intention is to lite up the channels today then they should be ready for Friday
Getting about 75 readings on an H20 receiver for 103(b) in Calgary Canada. Any idea whether this is due to inadequate pointing or falloff at the northern border?

I get about 95 on the 101 satellite for instance.
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9300 Now A&E

Still searching...
