I think if you get Dish 1000+ you will pick up sat 121, which I thought they moved some international channels there. Otherwise most of the internationals was on separate dish poiting to sat 67 or so...
Dish 1000= Picks up 110, 118.7, 119 and 129
You need a 121 superdish to get 121. Most internationals are now being moved over to 118.7 now.
...I have both D* and E* but after what I learned about D* this week I will be cancelling it when I get back home. ...
D*'s HD quality seems to improve onjce NFL ST is off but never as good as the Dish HD channels. I do believe many of the lower rated SD channels on E* appear to be worse quality than the D* equivalent. I watch HD almost exclusively so PQ on E*SD channels doesn't mean much to me.
D* is not going to spend millions on building new sats and NOT get them up and running.
They are actually pretty accurate with thier timing for the most part.
They said when this all started that in 2007 they would have the capability to have 150 national and 1500 locals in HD.
Once these two sats are up and operational, we will see the difference.