Direct TV HD on a 4 X 3 TV

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Original poster
Dec 27, 2003
I got a Dish 811 package a couple of weeks ago and it doesn't work at all with my Sony XBR 4 X 3 TV. I'm going to pay the $250 to get out of the contract and go back to Direct TV. I purchased the HD system for $299 (they gave me $100 off for coming back) and they are installing it on 12/31. Do any of you all have any experience with either the Samsung or Hughes HD recievers that they provide with the system? Does it work with a 4 X 3 HD TV?

Thanks in advance dor your help!

PS: I got $299 bid on my 811 on eBay which more than covers my $250 charge from them. Too bad. I offered to return all of the equipment and call it a wash. I guess that's one less 811 they will sell to an existing customer. :D
if you are reffering to the aspect ratio the hughes should have in the menus where you can change it if my memory is correct. i just did one of these three weeks ago and ill be darned if i can remember. think it is about time i tried to convince the better half of the importance of hdtv in my home. but the answer to your ??? should be yes
You can certainly hook it up but you will be watching SD not HD, unless it is an HDTV-ready WEGA XBR, not the old analog XBR's So, if this is the case, don't waste your money with and HD DIRECTV receiver. Just pick up an SD DIRECTV receiver, unless you will be upgrading to an HD monitor.
your sony has the same problem that have.
get a service manuel adjust the auto 16.9 ratio off.
this will let 811 work with your set.
sony wont help.
It is a HD Ready XBR. I already sold and shipped my 811 for $350. I had Direct TV HD installed yesterday and it works perfect. The SD looks a lot better than the SD did on the 811 and it picks up more off air HD signals. The differences are staggering to say the least. Dish has a lot of catching up to do on both SD and HD for now.

Good luck with your systems!

Which D* HD receiver did you wind up getting? The PQ on my HD-Ready Sony has always been a bit of disappointment from Dish. Tried tweaking the set with Video Essentials, switching the DRC settings, but it still looks so-so. the local Fox Sports is unwatchable, the pixelization is so bad.
RE: Which HD receiver did you get

I got the Samsung. It works great on my 36" XBR. I have it set on 480p/i though because that gives the best SD pictures and HD ls looks good also. I recall the Dish system SD didn't look nearly as good. I also get more off-air channels with this reciever. For exampe, here in Dallas, WFAA wasn't found on the 811 digital scan. [/i]
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480p looks better than 1080i?

The use of D*

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