Direct at it again....arrrrggghhhhh!!!

Contract disputes, bandwidth excuses ...

Isn't this just typical of all things great in digital content though? The content providers and the channel operators are always standing in the way of the consumer getting what they want.

Whether it is HD, or digital downloads from iTunes or wherever, or even VOD ... They are just made of excuses to block us from watching their content the way we want even though the increased exposure would only benefit them. Contracts, DRM, etc ... line up the excuses to withhold content. What's up with that? It's like the networks and the delivery services hate us. At least that's how I feel all the time. They hate our DVR's, they hate our ability to archive, etc.

SCUM SCUM SCUM!!! GO BACK TO WHERE YOU'RE FROM... yelled at us. (Chevy Chase reference there).
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May will turn into June, which will turn into July...
Some on other sites say it is NBC-Uni at fault, fiber issues, etc... been what 5 months, I think any fiber issues would be taken care of... it isn't capacity issues cause they have smithsonian, tennis, etc testing...(stuff people don't really want or ask for)
Dish has really dropped the ball... they turned all there focus to major market Lil, ignoring that most people in major markets can get their locals OTA in better resolution and bandwidth...If I were interested in locals I wouldn't have dish or dtv...
Most people want HD from sat for the channels they CAN'T get locally...

Direct also just entered into a new deal that will show network shows scheduled to air in the Winter of 2009 this fall exclusively. First announced was Friday Night Lights. Direct customers get it in October, everyone else January 09. Seems like they have no problems with NBC.
It's economics. Think of the money he is saving everyday he collects a subscription fee from us and doesn't have to pay for more programming.
Hopefully for both E* customers and the credibility of this site and Scott you get your "lots" (whatever that is) of HD this month.
They aren't getting "lots" . If they had " lots" of space. They would have "lots" of HD already. But we will see I guess. I'm not betting on anything big until AMC-14 is operational,and E*11. And something tells me AMC-14 isn't going to be operational for quite sometime. Lets not forget E* has to catch up first,before it can pass! I wish E* the best ,but I don't believe we are getting more then 7 HD national channels in the next 3 months.
Okay, I just read the very early portions of the "Sci-Fi HD when can we watch" thread from way, way back. Scott sounded just as confident about Sci-Fi and USA back in December 2007 as he does about new HD channels now. And yet, we have no Sci-Fi or USA in HD to this day. What the heck is going on with this forum? How do you guys deal with it?

No offense Scott, but your sources leave a lot to be desired.

p.s. I'll be back to apologize if something happens by May ... but not if they are just a few locals. :)
This site is like a cult with everyone taking Scott's word as gospel. It is a great site to find out if others are having the same problems and possible fixes or general hind site insight. I have been here a long while and Scott has NEVER been right on anything that wasn't in a press release or on a Charlie Chat.
I think a prediction of "something will happen" by May is a suckers bet, so I guess you will be back to apologize. ;)
This site is like a cult with everyone taking Scott's word as gospel. It is a great site to find out if others are having the same problems and possible fixes or general hind site insight. I have been here a long while and Scott has NEVER been right on anything that wasn't in a press release or on a Charlie Chat....
And yet you keep coming back, for free, to suck up info from Scott's board. A board that continues to grow by fielding newer, more powerful servers, that aren't cheap.

Maybe you have no confidence in Scott's sources, but there's still a world of info here that you acknowledge and use. Pony up a contribution to the site instead of leeching. You've been here long enough without pitching in.
And yet you keep coming back, for free, to suck up info from Scott's board. A board that continues to grow by fielding newer, more powerful servers, that aren't cheap.

Maybe you have no confidence in Scott's sources, but there's still a world of info here that you acknowledge and use. Pony up a contribution to the site instead of leeching. You've been here long enough without pitching in.
I get what I pay for here.
But I guess from your post, the advertisers don't.
You might want to move all those juicy "inside" pub post out here to drive traffic so the ad dollars will keep you from folding up shop.
Okay, I just read the very early portions of the "Sci-Fi HD when can we watch" thread from way, way back. Scott sounded just as confident about Sci-Fi and USA back in December 2007 as he does about new HD channels now. And yet, we have no Sci-Fi or USA in HD to this day. What the heck is going on with this forum? How do you guys deal with it?

No offense Scott, but your sources leave a lot to be desired.

p.s. I'll be back to apologize if something happens by May ... but not if they are just a few locals. :)

Excellent point.

I think Scott is a valuable source and he runs a very informative site. However, he's not a Dish employee or confidant and his sources lately have been "less than accurate", to put it mildly. He is, unfortunately, at their mercy.

Each time a new prediction is made people think it's somehow going to be different (i.e. accurate). It's only human nature. But these kind of predictions have been going on for quite some time and all you had to do was go back a few months to see that everything old is new again.

BTW, E* could launch 50 new HD channels tomorrow and no apology would be necessary. Based on history, there is absolutely no reason to put any more credence in these latest predictions than in the older ones. Eventually, even if only by coincidence, Scott's sources will give him accurate information. But who knows when?
And yet you keep coming back, for free, to suck up info from Scott's board. A board that continues to grow by fielding newer, more powerful servers, that aren't cheap.

Maybe you have no confidence in Scott's sources, but there's still a world of info here that you acknowledge and use. Pony up a contribution to the site instead of leeching. You've been here long enough without pitching in.
You know, I get tired of this on this board. Just because some of us choose not to "pony up a contribution", there are many posts like yours where we are made to feel like we're second class citizens. If people like us who "leech" info are a problem, shut down the board to everyone except those who pay.

Like the person that posted, it has certainly seemed like Scott has not been getting good information lately. And yet, when he posts something like he did regarding waiting till May 1st and that there'd be lots of new national HD by then, people eat it up and get all excited again.

Don't get me wrong, I am excited by the prospect of new national HD content. If Dish could make a dent in the roughly 35 HD channels that Direct has that Dish does not, I'll be very happy. But given that we have not really had any new national HD added since October of 2007 when they added TBS-HD, many people, including me, are getting frustrated as Direct keeps adding channel after channel after channel and we get nothing. And many cable systems all over the country are adding HD channels at a fast pace too (my local one has added 15 new channels since October 2007).

I do hope Scott is right about this. He has made some really good announcements in the past that turned out to be true. I just pray this one comes true too.

I look forward to his "huge announcement" this weekend. I'll be listening to the podcast for sure.
It seem's to me that since Chuckles was caught with his pants down with regards to TBS HD last fall, E* has gone into super secret stealth mode with most of their HD plans, and started more of an "insider" rumor mill, filled with misinformation. It's almost like little Chuckie's got a grudge for having his hand forced. That's just my two cents.

BTW, I commend this sitefor the information it provides, and Scott for the work he does here.:)
Wait, wait, wait!!!! Now when I strated this post I meant for it to be a vent about the "soon" promises and such from DISH. In now way did I intend it to be a thread people could bash Scott in! Scott has done nothing to warrant some of the comments that have been made and I for one appreciate this site! Now I am a founding supporting member that enjoys the benefit of reading the Pub and some inside info.

I don't believe that Scott is a fortune teller or can predict everything to perfection, for if he was this site wouldn't exist as Scott would have won the lottery with the numbers that came to him in a vision!:D

All Scott is doing is passing along wome info that he has come across and thought he would share, but if it doesn't come to fruition then it doesn't but don't bash Scott !!!!!

Thanks Scott for your time and effort in this site and please take my post as just a vent.

DISH-- In the immortal words of the New Age Outlaws and DX....." I got 2 words for ya................SUCK IT!!!!!"
Wait, wait, wait!!!! Now when I strated this post I meant for it to be a vent about the "soon" promises and such from DISH. In now way did I intend it to be a thread people could bash Scott in! Scott has done nothing to warrant some of the comments that have been made and I for one appreciate this site! Now I am a founding supporting member that enjoys the benefit of reading the Pub and some inside info.

I don't believe that Scott is a fortune teller or can predict everything to perfection, for if he was this site wouldn't exist as Scott would have won the lottery with the numbers that came to him in a vision!:D

All Scott is doing is passing along wome info that he has come across and thought he would share, but if it doesn't come to fruition then it doesn't but don't bash Scott !!!!!

Thanks Scott for your time and effort in this site and please take my post as just a vent.

DISH-- In the immortal words of the New Age Outlaws and DX....." I got 2 words for ya................SUCK IT!!!!!"

As I said in another thread, IF you cant' trust the info you are given, but then pass it along as it WILL happen.. then you can't expect to not lose credibility and not get also should not expect to be able to pass Vague, or misleading information and not get criticized for it..
Saying a lot of Dish subs will be happy is misleading if you don't add the part that they will be lil subs....otherwise it's designed to keep the masses quiet for a little while longer, which, will ultimately come back to bite you
Again I say the site is great for what it is; a community of enthusiast.
I apologize if my post are read to bash Scott the person and not his prophetic posts.
I think the "flock" is more to blame for continuing to believe and prosthetize the INSIDE information.
No offense Scott, but your sources leave a lot to be desired.

p.s. I'll be back to apologize if something happens by May ... but not if they are just a few locals. :)

I SINCERELY APOLOGIZE!!! And I am happy to do it. The value of stock in Scott's rumors is rising rapidly. I'm actually getting excited about the rest of this month. Thanks Scott.
I SINCERELY APOLOGIZE!!! And I am happy to do it. The value of stock in Scott's rumors is rising rapidly. I'm actually getting excited about the rest of this month. Thanks Scott.
I am happy to be able to watch Dr. Who and BSG in HD tonight as well.

But I think if Scott predicts we will get them, then predicts we won't get them this week and then goes on to say there is NOT even a contract signed; we will all be best served NOT to buy stock in Scott rumors.
But I do believe we got them because Scott said we wouldn't. The SAT gods have spoken.
I am happy to be able to watch Dr. Who and BSG in HD tonight as well.

But I think if Scott predicts we will get them, then predicts we won't get them this week and then goes on to say there is NOT even a contract signed; we will all be best served NOT to buy stock in Scott rumors.
But I do believe we got them because Scott said we wouldn't. The SAT gods have spoken.

Valid points, but my apology stands.

Scott has a shotgun approach to his predictions, but I think that is because he lays everything he hears out on the table and he hears a lot of stuff. He could probably learn from other non-satellite rumor websites about how to hedge his bets, but you can't fault him for playing his cards too close to the vest.

Despite the sketchy details behind the rumors and other contradictory rumors, his recent predictions on the timing of this roll-out were within an acceptable margin of error. Stock Up!

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