Digital Deadline Feb 2009!!!!

Update: As expected, Vice President Chaney had to cast the tie-breaking vote for the overall bill. However, much like the bill that included SHVERA, the Senate did insert an amendment on an unrelated provision--which sends the whole bill back to the House for final approval before going to the President. Even though most House members have gone home for Christmas, the House is supposed to reconvene tomorrow afternoon, so it could happen then.
Remember, the fundamentalist conservative lobby is ruling now. How otherwise would an "educated"(or attempted to) leader say that he is a supporter of fossil fuels and Intelligent Design? I can bet you he did not even read The Evolution of Species. In a way it is better to walk like a horse with blinders brandishing one black book, that way you don't see sxxt happen, but just step into it after the fact.

Also, on a more positive note contradict me if i am not correct in saying that no other HD station has more original 1080i programming than PBS-HD. This in itself shows the guovman's commitment to HD. My children are growing up and learn daily from this station. Look at all the great characters like Susan Sarandon, George Clooney and many others donating their skills to public TV.
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SimpleSimon said:
Who cares? They're all Democrats. :D
But if they're mad enough not to sit out the next election, you WOULD care. :eek:

For now, House Democrats say they won't consent to passing the overall deficit-reduction bill before Congress starts its 2006 session on January 31, since they totally oppose it (again, for reasons totally unrelated to DTV). However, the House does need to reconvene by December 31 to consider the other two Senate actions of Wednesday--the 6-month Patriot Act extension and the DoD-Katrina bill stripped of Arctic-drilling provisions; the House leadership could force this bill onto the agenda with them, or they could hold this bill over till January 31. Either way, unless Congress is invaded by an army of lobbyists demanding otherwise (who would then have to fight the NAB, NCTA, etc. lobbyists already there), the 2/17/09 date is all but law.

I don't think this is the right place to start, but studying the site -- I am lost!! Anyone have directions to the --- Get answers to questions regarding FTA setup and reception -- when all seems it should be right -- but no channels show up?
Also --- is there live chat here? if so -- where?:confused: :confused:
Bonanza35 said:
I don't think this is the right place to start, but studying the site -- I am lost!! Anyone have directions to the --- Get answers to questions regarding FTA setup and reception -- when all seems it should be right -- but no channels show up?
Also --- is there live chat here? if so -- where?:confused: :confused:
FTA discussion is at the MPEG2/FTA forum here. AFAIK, chat is only available during special events like the Retailer Chat earlier today.

Update: The House adjourned without passing the deficit-reduction bill. If the Senate passes the House's 1-month Patriot Act extension tonight, Congress will adjourn until January, and the House won't consider the bill until Jan. 31 at earliest. If not, the House could reconvene on the 26th, but odds are the bill will still be held up till Jan. 31 or later.
The Senate (or rather Sen. John Warner, who not only served as presiding officer, but also made all the motions) just passed the 1-month Patriot Act extension, then adjourned sine die, in less than 5 minutes. So this bill won't come back up until January 31 at the earliest.

Grrrr! Wish we had ESPN2 HD Tonight

demo channel showing ESPN clips

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