Assuming you have a built-in ATSC tuner and you have an antenna then just use an A/B switch-cable on one line/antenna on the other. Program(scan)in your locals. You would have to manually switch back and forth. This will at least let you watch ABC HD. Paul(also live in Zephyrhills) ps: With antenna in place also try going to menu of TV-some tvs allow you to scan both cable/antenna at the same time.
we actually don't have an antenna :-( So we are getting the digital stations thru the cable.
The cable is split 4 ways - 3 to the tuner cards in the DVR (all analog) and thenthe video signal goes out, into the DVR recorder (for dubbing), and out into the TV
the 4th cable goes directly into the back of the TV and is tuned with the tuner on the TV.
Not that I don't have an A/B switch. I have one ordinary one and one with a remote control (I think we used to have the TV plugged into the VCR, DVD recorder and DVR, but I can't remember anymore. When something stopped working, you had to take it all apart and test it piece by piece. but the TV has more jacks in it now
we also don't have a cable box. we don't know how long that will last but we are hanging on. if a box becomes mandatory, we're going to have to replace all the tuner cards in the DVR, which will probably also require an update of the OS, cause we are still using Suse Linux 10.3 and mythTV .20 or something.
thanks, though!
PS - installation of digital cable box was one of the 7 to 10 reasons I left Boston. Came home one day after they said "can we come over to check whether you are *ready for* digital cable?" to find I now *had* digital cable. The VCR plus gold that changed the channel on my old cable box was worthless. They let me return it and get the old one back, but by then they had broken me and I gave up and moved down here.