Did anyone preorder the Ipad today?

Today's reports in the stock publications indicate 152,000 ipads were preordered as of today.
Preorders should wane now until they are in the stores after April 3.
Apple stock lost about 4.00 a share over the news, but other tech stocks, including Google, Dell, HP also lost share value today.
I'd like to see Apple tumble to around $200 a share before climbing to new levels. Right now it's holding around $222
Want to participate in the ipad statistics survey for those that preorder?

Go read this article and follow the directions on how to add your preorder to the study.

Tello and Castroll hope to continue their analysis, but they are running out of volunteers willing to submit their order numbers. If you pre-order an iPad between now and April 3 and would like to contribute to their effort, send the information to ipadsales10@gmail.com. Include your order number with the last three digits Xed out, the number of iPads you ordered, the order time, time zone, memory capacity and whether your iPad is Wi-Fi only or Wi-Fi + 3G.
Apple has said some of the accessories have been delayed... http://www.macobserver.com/tmo/article/apple_pushes_back_some_ipad_accessories/

For some reason I thought the preorder figures would be more than what is being speculated.

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Today's reports in the stock publications indicate 152,000 ipads were preordered as of today.
Preorders should wane now until they are in the stores after April 3.
Apple stock lost about 4.00 a share over the news, but other tech stocks, including Google, Dell, HP also lost share value today.
I'd like to see Apple tumble to around $200 a share before climbing to new levels. Right now it's holding around $222

Ooops- forgot to mention that I did sell half my positions in aapl @ 227.50 but the fall off I would like to see doesn't appear to be happening. :(
meStevo- As I said elsewhere, the preorders are for Apple faithfuls who know already what they will get in quality and Apple ease of use. The ipad may not be designed to make power users happy because the Apple world is so tightly controlled by big daddy Jobs. Many power users like Scott, have the iphone and are happy primarily because they don't care about using jail breaking and will do what they want, be damned with the warranty and Apple control. Average person doesn't do that. But, yes, I expected to see the numbers continue through the weekend and yield about 3 times the current projection.
According to an article in The Street, the estimates being thrown around are low.

Apple iPad Sales Estimates are Wrong | Technology | Financial Articles & Investing News | TheStreet.com

One of the most closely watched Apple iPad sales bloggers Deagol's AAPL Model estimated that first day orders hit 120,000 units but dropped off dramatically to end the weekend with a total of about 152,000 Apple iPads sold.

"That number is low," says an industry analyst who is independently monitoring the iPad sales. The analyst, who is collecting sales data for clients and asked not to be identified, says the current tally is conservative and actual iPad sales are significantly higher. The analyst declined to offer an estimate however.

I've heard from various sources that the 120,000 estimate does not include multiple units on a single order, sales made in store, or internet sales made for in-store pickup. It's going to be very interesting to see where this number finally settles.
The hangover from the initial over-excitement about the "magical and revolutionary" iPad starts kicking in
Apple Races to Strike Content Deals Ahead of iPad Release - WSJ.com
But lining up TV programming, digital newspapers and other content ahead of the iPad's April 3 release has proven difficult for Apple as some potential collaborators weigh the advantages of working with the company against the potential threats to their current sources of revenue, people familiar with the matter say....Apple has narrowed the device's scope. It has put on hold its idea to offer TV subscriptions that would be viewable through the iPad, because few media companies were interested.

The hangover from the initial over-excitement about the "magical and revolutionary" iPad starts kicking in
Apple Races to Strike Content Deals Ahead of iPad Release - WSJ.com


Another interesting quote from there:

Some publishers and TV executives are concerned the iPad doesn't support Adobe Systems Inc.'s Flash video technology, which many publishers use to showcase their multimedia content and is also an underlying technology of online ads.

Maybe someone can arm twist Apple to let flash appear!


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    Foxtrot iPad.png
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Now, after Saint Jobs has spoken, we can get a sense of what iPad sales were all about
Apple said it sold roughly 300,000 iPads in the U.S., including preorders, on the first day the device was available. Some analysts had projected much better results.

Since this includes units shipped to retailer like BestBuy, the real number on people's hands is less (very few reports about sold out inventories).
Subtracting the 152K estimate of preorders, the number of units preordered will be more than half of what was sold.

Bottom line, the number of iPads sold is in the same ballpark as first iPhones. And is mostly indicative of the fanboy base.
Now the question is whether others will see value in this device like they saw in the iPhone...

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As I was working out on an elliptical machine this morning at the gym, and watching an episode of Big Bang Theory on my ipod touch, I was thinking, I could see the benefit of an ipad for this - much larger screen; kind of like a portable tv. Then I thought of the $500+ price-tag and I said, nah.... for what I use it for, the ipod touch works fine.

I suspect the tablet world will be very different in a year. And in the meantime, I will wait for better prices, more power, and more freedom than Apple provides.
I saw a guy with one at a local restaurant last night. He was showing it off to everyone... but I just didn't get it. $500 for that? I don't understand it. $500 would buy me a nice little laptop that I can do so much more on.

Maybe if they were priced at $200...just way overpriced.
Now, after Saint Jobs has spoken, we can get a sense of what iPad sales were all about

Since this includes units shipped to retailer like BestBuy, the real number on people's hands is less (very few reports about sold out inventories).
Subtracting the 152K estimate of preorders, the number of units preordered will be more than half of what was sold.

Bottom line, the number of iPads sold is in the same ballpark as first iPhones. And is mostly indicative of the fanboy base.
Now the question is whether others will see value in this device like they saw in the iPhone...


Wow, taking a page from Sony playing the numbers game, like when they wouldn't say how many PS3s were sold, just how many were shipped...

Given that the iPad isn't tied to a cell carrier (as in you don't have to sign up for a contract to get it) those sales are borderline dismal, 'as good as the iPhone' is just not enough for a 'magical device'.
Wow, taking a page from Sony playing the numbers game, like when they wouldn't say how many PS3s were sold, just how many were shipped...

Given that the iPad isn't tied to a cell carrier (as in you don't have to sign up for a contract to get it) those sales are borderline dismal, 'as good as the iPhone' is just not enough for a 'magical device'.

300K units 'borderline dismal'? Give me a break! The iPhone sold 270K first day as I recall, and touch computers only sold 1M last year in total. I'd say 300K is a great number and any other mfg would be tickled pink to get that from any product.
They probably would have sold more this weekend but most stores and malls were closed on Sunday because of Easter!

I know because I wanted to go and look at them and maybe pick on up nd couldn't do it because everything was closed!
Given that the iPad isn't tied to a cell carrier...
I believe this very fact has a silver lining in it:
Apple might not be as determined to plug as soon as possible every jailbreak that gets released...:) Think AppleTV.
And if there is some sort of assurance next Apple update won't brick a jailbroken iPad, its popularity can only increase, I think...


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