Devil's Advocate?

In my area last Xmas the number one selling electronics was the HDTV. This was reported by our local news media. Both Circuit City and Best Buy reported that sales of digital tvs over analog was 8 to 10 and of the digital sales close to 90 percent were HDTVs. Because of this Circuit City no longer sells analog sets in my area. Best Buy announced that they would soon follow suit. My latest visit to Circuit City I counted 14 analog sets for sell compared to aproximately 45 digital sets. The majority are HD , I only counted 8 ED sets. So, even though HD is not completely taking over it is well on its way. As I said, the days of early adopters is over. We are on our way to the digital age. As more content is available we will see more individuals making the purchase. And if you can purchase a HD set (in 16X9) for under $700 than as more people become informed more will make the decision to purchase a HD set--especially if the digital tuner is included.

One more thing, this post was to try and bring out discussion about D*'s annoucement of providing the top 30 markets HD and how that would affect E* and cable. If you want to be the leader you must jump out in front and lead. Those who are adopting to HD will go where the most content is. Especially if the price is right. All we have to do now is wait till about June. If all goes well D* will be throwing out the gauntlet. I hope this will get Charlie moving but without some major invest (like buying out Voom to get their satellite and the new one going up next spring) I do not see how Charlie is going to match Rupert. It might not be checkmate but I see a check coming very soon!
I supply facts. You ignor and spout rhetoric.

Yeah I can see why Charlie would really want to pay attention to you. :rolleyes:

NIGHTRYDER, I live in the number one market for HD in the country. We had the first 24/7 HD station 5 years ago. We also get to watch tricasting during the NCAA basketball tournement (three games at one time on one channel -- you get to pick). No one else is doing that yet. The station is WRAL in Raleigh, NC. All of our digital stations are on one broadcast antenna another first. Also, we had the first 24/7 HD newsroom in the nation. It started broadcasting 2 years ago in HD all the time. And yes, the medium income in my area is way above the national average. That is why I work here -- the pay is better. Also, come on down to Raleigh and see if you can get an analog tv in Circuit City. You will not find one but you can look.

I do not need to send a bs statement to Charlie. He is not going to listen to me or you. He has his agenda and that is to provide all the locals first. That is why he sees no new HD out there worth having. This post is about HD locals. While I will imbelish to provoke a response the response. And it worked but not about the post. As I said before this post is about HD locals and Charlies response.

In my area HD programming is on the upswing and that is a good thing. If next summer I can get that HD from my sat provider I will as I believe many HD viewers will. I am still hoping that E* will be that provider but right now I just don't see how.
JoeSP. It doesn't matter what I say or what is happening in anyone's neighborhood. The numbers show the big picture and the numbers don't support your viewpoint. Following your logic VOOM should be hammering both D* and E*. Again, looking at the numbers, it just isn't happening. In fact VOOM is just limping along.

Companies like E* make their decisions based on statistical facts and projections not wishful thinking. You are entitled to your viewpoint, but when that viewpoint fails simple logic, or to consider realities outside your experience, don't be surprised when someone points that out.

BTW - I live in the Portland OR. DMA. One of the digital showcase areas.

JoeSP: Well you edited your post so my response above no longer has the proper context.

Anyway, I stand by my early adopter statement and will respectfully bow out of this discussion since my position doesn't fall within your intended scope.

NightRyder, I respect your numbers and your viewpoint. I got carried away from my original post about if the D* annoucement would move Charlie to do something about adding more HD.

I believe that E* had planned to use the SuperDish with the sat at 105 to advance E*'s HD offering. The SuperDish did not work out and 105 did not reach the entire US. I believe that when the new sat goes up to 105 it will be able to reach the entire US and it will also allow Charlie some room to add HD.

My original post was not about just adding more HD but D*'s annoucement about adding the top 30 markets to its HD offerings. My experiance with OTA HD is that while it is beautiful it is also a bear to keep a lock on. By putting the HD markets on the sat I believe that D*'s move is very aggressive in realing in those HD adopters who would like to get their local HD stations on their dish. I was hoping that some here would have some insight as to what amd how Charlie might improve his HD offerings. However I see that there are those who would rather debate wheather HD is around the corner or down the road.

I guess it does depend on if TV is an important part of your day (sports, movies, shows) and if it is if you see a reason to purchase an HDTV. They are currently at a price point that everyone that wants one can get one (That is if they are not working at McDougals or Burger Busters). I am in the HD camp and ready for more programming. Of course I like tv (sports, movies and some shows). If I can get them from the sat dish the happier I will be.

Anyway thanks for your input -- I guess now is not the time for this conversation. Perhaps in 6 months when the picture for both E* and D* and their respective HD programming is better fleshed out.

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