Detroit VOOM installations

The software update was supposed to be by the end of May, but they are fixing some bugs that they found during beta tests (from what I read in other threads here). Hopefully it will come within the next week or two.
Thanks Rollerfink for the reply, I hope the WB is maped with this next update.. Cya Slick

Where are you? I'm 37 miles and get pretty much everything without issue.

I think 47 might be pushing it a bit although I think Voom says within 50 miles and they will make it work.

I'd call them back and see if you can get them to put in a new ant.
Hello there Eric I am at 32 mile and I-94 47 miles from the farthest broadcast tower.. I am going to raise the antenna higher on the roof and see what happens.. I am really liking Voom so far love the picture quality, Heck I have been use to basic cable for ever now, but since I got a my new 60" I figure I better get a better signal for my new tv :-)..Cya Slick

I'm down in Virginia and the CM-4228 pulls in DC and Richmond stations, 55 and 51 miles out, without much trouble...just as long as the stations is broadcasting at full power.

You need to call VOOM and request an upgraded antenna. IMHO, the Stealth and Sensar II are worthless at 32 miles out. The Winegard PR-8800 or Channel Master CM=4228 (both 8-bay antennas) is what you need.

Good Luck,
So in other words if I raise the antenna another 4' higher on the roof you dont think it will make much of a diffrence? I also was thinking about a taller polemount as well, you know the kind, it is the same pole mount hey use to hold the dish.. What do you think?

I called Voom and made appointment for the upgraded antenna but it wont be untill July 1st, they are saying they are getting busy with all there new Voom installs.. I bet if I was not already signed up a week ago the more than likley would get here sooner.. Cya Slick
Iam the owner of Amazing Communications Inc. a local VOOM Dealer serving all of Michigan and Northern Ohio based out of Ypsilanti MI 48198. (734) 483-1586
Some of the things I have been reading on here such crap! one being...
(I can get all the local digital channels except for the WB ( or missing some channels), which Voom does not yet have mapped. I've sent my request in through Sean to get that mapped so hoppefully it will come on soon. (Told to Customer by Don lohr Satellite)
ALL local stations are available if your system is installed correctly,the antenna is pointed just like to the dish it needs good signal to work properly! the closer you are to detroit the harder it is to get all the channels being the antenna towers are postioned in different directions, west of detroit( ann Arbor ect.) you can get them all no problem even toledo sometimes. An antenna upgrade should be done if you are close to detroit, which the installer should bring with him, to a Wingard squareshooter which works well for detroit but depending on location you may lose 1 or 2 channels because of the towers, there is no mapping problems! If anyone needs work done to there system we are available with in 48 hours for upgrades/repairs and Installations. We have equipment in stock and ready for Installation same day or next day. Installs by Don lohr satellite or other companies are contracted by Installs INC. who is contracted thru a VOOM national account. We deal direct with VOOM and our distributor, our dealer # 60907 look us up on and check out our site
Dont wait weeks for your installation. This is the problem with national contractors like Don lohr, Installs inc. ect.. it cuts out your local dealer for installation and service and puts delays on service and installation due to the middle men involved.
Amazingcomm said:
Iam the owner of Amazing Communications Inc. a local VOOM Dealer for Voom serving all of Michigan and Northern Ohio based out of Ypsilanti MI 49198. (734) 483-1586
Some of the things I have been reading on here such crap! one being...
(I can get all the local digital channels except for the WB, which Voom does not yet have mapped. I've sent my request in through Sean to get that mapped so hoppefully it will come on soon. (Told to Customer by Don lohr Satellite)
ALL local stations are available if your system is installed correctly, the closer you are to detroit the harder it is to get all the channels being the antenna towers are postioned in different directions, west of detroit( ann Arbor ect.) you can get them all no problem even toledo sometimes. An antenna upgrade should be done if you are close to detroit, which the installer should bring with him, to a Wingard squareshooter which works well for detroit but depending on location you may lose 1 or 2 channels because of the towers, there is no mapping problems! If anyone needs work done to there system we are available with in 48 hours for upgrades/repairs and Installations. We have equipment in stock and ready for Installation same day or next day. Installs by Don lohr satellite or other companies are contracted by Installs INC. who is contracted thru a VOOM national account. We deal direct with VOOM and our distributor, our dealer # 60907 look us up on and check out our site
Dont wait weeks for your installation. This is the problem with national contractors like Don lohr, Installs inc. ect.. it cuts out your local dealer for installation and service and puts delays on service and installation due to the middle men involved.
Um... those posts with the problems about the WB were from June of last year. At that time, the WB indeed was not mapped by Voom and not able to be received thru the Voom box. That particular problem has been solved -- wasn't a matter of poor installations.

I've had Don Lors install 2 Voom systems for me. It wasn't pleasant. The work they did was just fine, the problem was getting them to show up when they said they would. And my favorite -- when they showed up for an upgraded antenna, without an antenna! :no
Thats the problem I spoke of ( contracted help and middle men) not knowing what is going on! Anyone can install a Satellite system but is it installed RIGHT? and on time? We have over 25 years of Satellite installation experience. Over 3000 satified customers statewide. It burns my a$$ when these contractors start to do the work for pennys and there work shows it!
Amazingcomm said:
Thats the problem I spoke of ( contracted help and middle men) not knowing what is going on! Anyone can install a Satellite system but is it installed RIGHT? and on time? We have over 25 years of Satellite installation experience. Over 3000 satified customers statewide. It burns my a$$ when these contractors start to do the work for pennys and there work shows it!
Huh? The problem you originally pointed to was Don Lors telling customers that they couldn't get the WB because it wasn't mapped. Don Lors was correct. They knew what was going on.

Dammit, now look what you've done -- you've put me in the position of defending a company I equate with the devil! :p
I was only pointing out ONE of the posts I was reading But I was wrong about the mapping from the date of the post, I did not see it was not recent... many others said the similar things they are not getting all the local channels....... Be it not aiming the antenna correctly or not installing the correct antenna at the time of install it is a poor installation. I have bought customers new antenna to get those locals they are missing out of company money, above what VOOM pays us just to make sure they are happy. Im not putting down ANY satellite company down except the ones who do these installs for 1/4 of price because they are contractors and like cutting our throats.
If someone payed you $100 to act like a jackass in front of millions of people would you do your best to earn the money? or would you really do your best if they paided you $1000.00? I have been a contractor, been paid sh*t, done SH*t work thats why I own my business, to provide quality work to customers and stop all this hack work!
I am trying to understand your purpose in posting, are you just coming here to say Don Lors sucks and you should do all the installs in our area?
When you posts things like this at the end of your answer to a 9 month old post, I do wonder what your agenda is:

"Dont wait weeks for your installation. This is the problem with national contractors like Don lohr, Installs inc. ect.. it cuts out your local dealer for installation and service and puts delays on service and installation due to the middle men involved."

I think you are just here to drum up business.

While I will agree that Don Lohrs seems to be a awful install company ( my second almost install was them trying to talk me out of getting V* and going with E*, and I already had E*, then he goes "I can put in your wife's name then" told me too things, one that E* pays more then V* for installs and bonuses, and two, if there is a Don Lohr, he must truely be the devil)

If you are here just to get business, I find you at the same level as Don Lohrs
The purpose of my post was I was surfing the net and found this site, started to read some of the posts and could believe what I was reading but did not realize the dates on those posts before I posted. As for (I think you are just here to drum up business.) I was not nor am I trying to drum up business, I just believe in keeping the local satellite companies in the loop and stop contracting the work out . Back when RCA and Dishnetwork started the small dish our company was there Factory authorized repair facility for houston tracker and echostar product line, When Rca came out they would only sell to national store chains and not independant stores they cut us out of the picture completely! Dish also tried to do the same. VOOM has cut us out of our own service calls on our customers we sold, pushing our customers service dates weeks out when we could do it within days unless the customers ask for only us. But instead they give them to 3rd party contractors to do just like TheTimm said they came out for an antenna upgrade with out the antenna. I have had customers call me that we have installed and called VOOM when a reciever stopped responding and was told it will be 2 weeks before someone can be there. when you call Voom for a service call they call Installs Inc. Then installs inc. calls Don Lohr satellite then you get a service call or installation, would you rather wait 2 weeks to start watching tv thru them or call a local DEALER of VOOM and have it done tomorrow? You make the call! I was only here to offer a dealers advice to the problems I was reading.
If someone calls you directly, are you going to charge the consumer, or are you going to charge VOOM? I find it hard to believe that VOOM will do business with installers not affilliated with Installs, INC.
We are a VOOM dealer, We install/service systems we buy from VOOM and sell thru our company and get paid by VOOM directly. The customer does not get charged unless its outside of the VOOM scope of standard installation.
Installs inc. is a contracted installation company that provides installation and service to radioshack, voom, bestbuy, sears and a handful of other stores. They dont even sell systems, just install.
I think Im wasting my breath on this forum, isnt this where people share idea's and thoughts to help others? I thought maybe a dealers perspective on installation/service wait times and local channel problems would help some people out but it seems I was wrong, you have it figured out and dont need anyone.
Remember if your in the Detroit area and want VOOM give DishStore.NET a call at 313-365-6006. The do installs throughout the entire Detroit Metro area.

I was just going to chime in and mention that they can always call the Dishstore for a local Voom installation :) We do service Detroit and the entire Tri-county area.

Now granted your probably going to get a better installation going through an indepenant agent since they are able to deal with you on a more personal level, however with all that said Don Lors does do good work when it comes to voom installations :)
Don Lors has been great for me and I live in the Grand Rapids area. Yesterday they installed an upgraded antennae for my OTA's and they have been worldclass in their installation and way they act.
Don Lors did a pretty good job on mine as well.. I had to move the OTA antenna a few time to try and get the best reception but I was happy with there work.. Cya Slick

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