demo channel showing ESPN clips

JohnH said:
Yeah, they changed it again. Earlier I went forward 24 hours on the 6000 and it said Off Air then. Now it says Off Air 'til 11:00 AM EST.

Remember the 942 has the extended EPG and needs to update to show changes for programming beyond the current and next events.

yea I remembered that.. Thats what i thought the culprit was :)
Guys the HD Demo channel as usual is being sent in 1920x1080i with great 17 Mbps bitrate, even with these ESPN 2 clips

these ESPN clips remind me of the Showtime ones I reported a few days back, I think the HD Demo channel is about to change and soon ;)

Gary Murrell said:
Guys the HD Demo channel as usual is being sent in 1920x1080i with great 17 Mbps bitrate, even with these ESPN 2 clips
these ESPN clips remind me of the Showtime ones I reported a few days back, I think the HD Demo channel is about to change and soon ;)

Maybe it is an upconvert from the original ESPN/2 720p which runs at SR 29270.
You guys have my complete attention. I haven't bothered to check the channel as my 811 has shown it off air for the last few days. So Espn2HD is mpeg 2? That would be a good thing.
I consider ESPN2 HD part of the core everyone should get, just like the current non Voom HD channels. If you want Voom, another dish/Dish1000 is fine for them, no problem.

Oh well, guess it doesn't matter what I want.
Gary Murrell said:
Guys the HD Demo channel as usual is being sent in 1920x1080i with great 17 Mbps bitrate, even with these ESPN 2 clips
these ESPN clips remind me of the Showtime ones I reported a few days back, I think the HD Demo channel is about to change and soon ;)

yes thats exactly what it reminsd me of. those showtime clips a few days ago you told us about. they looked great but i knew they were 1920x1080 and when i saw the espn clips look just as good i thought "how the heck did they do that to 720P"

i guess they upconverted the material and made it 1920x1080 but i was wondering if the upconversion worked like that. i guess they can upconvert anything but i was under the impression that if you recorded the image in 720p the up conversion would just be adding phoney pixels while an image recorded in 1920 will capture all the pixels available and can only be down rezzed. i probably dont understand the way the video is being captured.

its all irrelevant now though because the demo channel is really off the air now. if you try to watch it now it says that it is a special event that must be purchased.

i have to admit though it looked so good i might spend a dollar a month to get the demo channel. ooooops maybe i shouldnt give them any ideas.
Well i have been reading on here that the Distant HD locals and espn2 were uplinked but didnt see them on lyngsat but i could have missed them
goaliebob99 said:
I cant tell because CBS Hd here in chicago is at a whopping 3kw.... on VHF channel 3 :( I cant even get a hint of that signal as most of chicago land cant either :D.... Everything else comes in the 90's on my 942 and looks damm good. CBS on the other hand... Im sol.. If i didnt have the feed from dish I would be sol too

just to give you an idea where other stations are at.. they range from 500 kw to upn (wpwr) at 1mega watt. :)

Oh i think your wrong on CBS2Chicago being at 3kw, i think there are at 24kw now

I don't know if you are still following this thread. But, if you are, can you actually see what is on ESPN2 with your receiver? If so, is it a demo that they keep showing, or does the channel have Espn2's regular programing?
Spike said:

I don't know if you are still following this thread. But, if you are, can you actually see what is on ESPN2 with your receiver? If so, is it a demo that they keep showing, or does the channel have Espn2's regular programing?

espn 2 hd is showing regular programming.. its just not lit up for coustomers.. (not the loop seen on the hd demo channel)
hdtvtechno said:
Oh i think your wrong on CBS2Chicago being at 3kw, i think there are at 24kw now

did they move up to 24 kw... it still doesnt make a diffrence :) add 500 kw to that and then we might be talking :) last i heard they were at 3 but you might be right :) the extra 21 kw really doesnt make a diffrence.
goaliebob99 said:
did they move up to 24 kw... it still doesnt make a diffrence :) add 500 kw to that and then we might be talking :) last i heard they were at 3 but you might be right :) the extra 21 kw really doesnt make a diffrence.

I don't think you understand the transmission characteristics for low VHF. 24 kw is huge at that frequency. The problem is that impulse noise (from things like household electronics and motors) destroys the signal so no matter how much power you give it, it's not very good in urban areas. (herringbone inteference in analog, nothing in digital with the current generation of tuners)
Right on.. I do understand about it being alot for that freq. But the point I was trying to make was the fact that there is so much low impulse noise it does kill the signal.. expecally where im at out in the sticks. The thing is i can get every other DTV station from chicago in the 90's or better on my 942 and nothing from cbs what so ever :) I was thinking maybe if they gave it more power it would reach further or overpower the impulses to reach out further with less likely hood of interfearance. even at my school They have an 811 and cbs comes in in the high 60's there and thats 20 miles or less from downtown :)

Digital Deadline Feb 2009!!!!

Stupid Question, But I'm drawing a Blank
