Demanded a 1000.4 dish instead of a 1000.2... Was I just being mean?

Tech just called and said he is an hour out. It's the same fella as last time, and he is/was very cool. He said he has a MT2 OTA module to kick down to me, free, for my 922.

After all the helpful advice, I'll prolly just tell him to leave the WA setup, and ask for one of the 'new' WA 1000.4's to get put in once they are actually installing them - since it is supposed to be a bigger dish, with a greater potential to get stronger signals. Apparently, those WA 1000.4's are out there, but not going in till after the 1st of the year/when existing WA 1000.2 stocks deplete.

Satellite is fun.
Ya know, stronger signal only matters for rain fade. With satellite, it's either on or off. If you don't get any or very little rain fade, I'd leave things alone....
Thanks for just getting the tech who installed your system a charge back.

Its clueless customers like you who ruin it for techs, he knows how to do his job. Let him do it.
Thanks for just getting the tech who installed your system a charge back.

Its clueless customers like you who ruin it for techs, he knows how to do his job. Let him do it.

And the OP statement that "Satellite is fun" holds true... when it is you yourself doing the tinkering and experimenting instead of you yanking the company around having them spend the money for your fun. All on a whim because you want something which you don't fully understand the ramifications of. It won't be fun for the tech. I'd suggest tipping him for accommodating your request.
Don't blame the OP. The work order said one thing and he got something else. He should have questioned that. Blame whomever did the workorder in the first place or the tech that didn't explain why he deviated from the workorder.
The OP noted later that the order says 1000.4 WA which isnt available yet

And, looking at the photo I took of the work order, it does state "LNBF 1000.4 WA" (Western Arc - obvious, in hindsight.).

so they installed a 1000.2...pretty much the same thing
The OP noted later that the order says 1000.4 WA which isnt available yet

so they installed a 1000.2...pretty much the same thing
Not only is it pretty much the same thing, it is the only dish available on WA for hd. So the fact that he wants what the WO calls for is like me asking for a 2015 Camaro, I'm sure it's already been designed but not yet avail
I see OP never did even post what their signal strength is, all the while saying that DISH Network should replace his dish with the new dish when they come out... Good luck getting them to do that without charging...
That's a little harsh, IMO. The OP could have been a little more informed by the tech as to why he installed a 1k.2, when the work order called for a 1k.4.

ALL the work orders (both Eastern Arc and Western Arc) call for the 1000.4 now. None the less, on Western Arc installs, Dish still wants the 1000.2 dish put up until depleted. The tech did it the way Dish has dictated it be done.
Dgenx321 said:
Thanks for just getting the tech who installed your system a charge back.

Its clueless customers like you who ruin it for techs, he knows how to do his job. Let him do it.

Exactly. I'm in house and know what dumb TCs can do to a stank rank. If he was a sub and caused him a charge back, you should tip him whatever he lost because of the TC.
I'm gonna rant a bit. What you did has caused such a headache for this tech and it was a product of your own ignorance. Ignorance is fine, but demanding something like this when you have a perfectly good working system is asinine. You call the company and then don't believe what they tell you and still insist on getting a different dish? If you know so much, why not put it up yourself? If I was that tech, I would come back and put up a 1000.4 regardless of what you said. As you've proven, you go to great lengths to follow whats on the workorder and that's what I'd give you. You'd get new holes in your roof from struts and probably miss out on your locals.

Bottom line, don't act like the know-it-all if you don't know anything.

Also, that tech was being cool because that's his job. Depending on how he's employed you may have literally taken money out of his pocket. I just hope you learn from this and won't let your ego get in the way in the future.
I see OP never did even post what their signal strength is, all the while saying that DISH Network should replace his dish with the new dish when they come out... Good luck getting them to do that without charging...

Unfortunately he'll get it. After they tell him they charge, he'll raise hell about it, get it to shoot up a couple levels until he finds someone to build the work order. Dish always caves to jerks like this, I see it every day in work order notes. Thing is, the tech will have YET ANOTHER TC since that's the way the system works now... I feel for the tech, and yes OP, you cost this guy food of his table for your ignorance - tip him good for YOUR screw up. You threw him under the bus with his superiors and for what? I'll tell ya what, not knowing what the hell your talking about.
That's a little harsh, IMO. The OP could have been a little more informed by the tech as to why he installed a 1k.2, when the work order called for a 1k.4.

you are forgetting that the work order called for 1k4 WA.
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ALL the work orders (both Eastern Arc and Western Arc) call for the 1000.4 now. None the less, on Western Arc installs, Dish still wants the 1000.2 dish put up until depleted. The tech did it the way Dish has dictated it be done.

Well, they should. All my work orders for the last two weeks though have called for ViP receivers and 500 dishes. Obviously somebody messed up the system somewhere
Well, they should. All my work orders for the last two weeks though have called for ViP receivers and 500 dishes. Obviously somebody messed up the system somewhere

Maybe they're making the transition to MPEG4 SD. I'm sure they're not, but one can hope :) .

EDIT: @OP: The only reason anyone should even care about MPEG4 is for more satellite bandwidth (more channels.) Has no meaning to consumers otherwise! Both EA and WA have the same channels (other than locals!)
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Unfortunately he'll get it. After they tell him they charge, he'll raise hell about it, get it to shoot up a couple levels until he finds someone to build the work order. Dish always caves to jerks like this, I see it every day in work order notes. Thing is, the tech will have YET ANOTHER TC since that's the way the system works now... I feel for the tech, and yes OP, you cost this guy food of his table for your ignorance - tip him good for YOUR screw up. You threw him under the bus with his superiors and for what? I'll tell ya what, not knowing what the hell your talking about.

Why blame the customer. He/she didn't generate the work order. The OP also questioned whether his questioning of the work order was justified or not. That pretty well indicates the customer isn't a jerk. Why on earth would you expect a customer to know technical details? The customer questioned why the work order wasn't fulfilled as written. I don't see that as being a jerk at all. Direct your anger at E*. They created the mess in the first place with the workorder being written as it was. The installer could have explained why he installed a 1000.2 instead of a 1000.4WA. That would have likely headed off the problem, even though he wasn't obligated to do so. Customers have a right to question what is being done whether you think so or not. Why an E* supervisor just didn't come to the house to explain or at least make a call to explain is troubling. This is an example of something an installer should not get a chargeback for as the installer did nothing wrong as far as I can see. The fact that E* would take money away from the installer for something like this shows just how crappy an outfit they are. I hope the installer doesn't get a hit for this, but going off on the customer for being a diligent consumer isn't a good thing to do for someone in the service industry. There are bad guys out there ripping people off. Customers have to be careful and questioning.
Diligent consumer is fine. I certainly don't hold all blame with the OP, just most of it. His comment about not believing the CSR that he called and then convincing them to setup a Trouble Call leads me to believe he was being obstinate. And for what reason? As he stated, his service and equipment was working great. No problem there. Perhaps he was feeling like he was cheated out of some super secret service. Well, as he stated again, a rep from DISH assured him he wasn't. So the only thing that I see left is some kind of ego stroking.

1000.4 Western Arc Dish Coming Soon

stereo sound via home distribution

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