DeLay Indicted in Campaign Finance Probe

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Delay is a crook

It is a well known fact that Delay is a crooked SOB here in TX. Check out the hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of dollars of "contributions" he has put directly into his own pockets via hiring his wife (and others) to be apart of his campaigns.

One of his goals in TX has been to take away water rights for East Texans to support the big money in Austin and other central TX cities (yeah, this is a big deal around here) whose growth has far exceeded their resources, as big money keeps adding to his pockets. This is particularilly evident is the way the re-districting of EAST TEXAS state senate districts, not only to keep Republicans in the Majority, but to strip East Texans of their right to representation by watering down their effective voice in goverment by elimnating districts or merging them with districts in, oddly enough, districts where big money will put that money in Mr. Delays pockets. Special thanks to Tuffy and others(Democrat or Republican) who are willing to see that partisan politics do not outweigh the concerns for the welfare of their districts.

Mr. Delay, please announce your speaking/public appearance plans as soon as possible, I know several here who would like to know and we certainly have something to say. From the far right extremists to the most liberal bastards I know, thanks for uniting east Texans - you may be single most important reason for the 51st state (EAST TEXAS), your plans to screw us will never happen as long as we breath freely - and the right to bear...... Well, sitting around in the dark has certainly put me off, but anytime Mr Delay wants to show up in East Texas, please let us know...
W_Tracy_Parnell said:
Glad you are wiiling to give him the presumption of innocence! See, we do that in this country you know. :)

Or perhaps on a weird way, yes: it doesn't effect ordinary people, only crooked SOB Republican Rednecks like DeLay because he organized the money laundering behind the Mighty Freak's campaign.

Actually this is the funniest thing you could have said - our legal system is completely crooked, I don't even believe there's a single person who doesn't know this.
Here's an example: imagine if there's been a shot nighttime, say a robbery and the police arrived and found nobody close but only me, a white, blue-eyed guy in my sport coat two blocks away, smiling and drinking in a bar at 2AM and saying I'm having fun, it's not their business what I'm doing there or found a black guy, instead of smiling he's sh*tting in his pants so scared from the police, with the same explanation, same bar, in 'rapper' clothes - who's going to be taken to the precinct for further questioning? Me? Highly unlikely.
The funny thing is ieven if we know that none of us had nothing to with the shooting, both of use can be taken to a criminal court then depend on utterly clueless ordinary people's mood towards us - now imagine the chances of the urban black guy if he gets 9 middle-class, white juror...
This whole jury-based stuff doesn't make sense. It was understandable 200 ys ago when there was a chance that foreign (British) judges will decide against locals but nowadays doesn't make any sense and quite frankly I never met anybody during my long years here (came under Clinton) who haven't admitted immediately the stupidity of this very unbalanced, lottery-like system. Of course, some of them did it face-to-face only, publicly they're avoiding the direct answer...
There are also few more things we should get rid of sooner or later but those aren't really legal related, rather power sharing, constitutional issues. It's a very young country with a lot to learn and first and foremost the power of education and knowledge - because I've never been to any other country where the smart gets ridiculed and the stupid is cool.
This is scariest sh*t here. And you know what? It's not an accident that neocons teamed up with the jesusfreaks to silently push this retarded anti-intelligentsia-based agenda - that's how a Bush-like obviously mentally not 100% (from strictly medical viewpoint he has slight debility) person with such uneducated background - he didn't pick up anything at Yale - can get into a position to dictate and - apparently - ruin a country's life.
vurbano said:
Our? Since when did you become a citizen????????

Oh, you're such an ignorant troll... living here makes it mine too.
I know you're not too educated, so I'll help you out and tell you that to be a subject of a legal system doesn't require any citizenship, not even a resident status, only one thing, being under its jurisdiction.
In case of the US one it's even more weird: some corporate crooks often think DMCA has authority in Europe and Asia et cetera etc.

FYI if I'd apply for it, I'd get pretty fast. Unfortunately current corrupt freak show (aka "administration') and its trends convinced me to put this on hold.
W_Tracy_Parnell said:
At some point I should make a list of all the outrageous statements T2K has made. Then everyone can see what the "modern imigrant" believes in.

WHat was the 'outrageous' exactly? I've noticed tyhat none of you guys really right on facts, so now I'm curious.
Guys can you cut the sh*t and respect each others views enough to discuss the issue? If you don't have a defense of the guy or don't have anything else to offer, don't post.

Its getting to the point that each new thread continues the same BS from other threads.

My simple question is, I have stated why I think he is slime, but has he done anything good for his constituents?
Chado said:
Guys can you cut the sh*t and respect each others views enough to discuss the issue? If you don't have a defense of the guy or don't have anything else to offer, don't post.

Its getting to the point that each new thread continues the same BS from other threads.

My simple question is, I have stated why I think he is slime, but has he done anything good for his constituents?

All I said was let the legal system run its course and you agreed with that I believe. I can't really defend him anyway since I don't know what the DAs evidence is.
W_Tracy_Parnell said:
All I said was let the legal system run its course and you agreed with that I believe. I can't really defend him anyway since I don't know what the DAs evidence is.

So then why don't you read up first before you start posting? Chado is right, nobody posted anything useful.

Something to chew on:

32 Felony Indictments Returned in DeLay Case
By Jay Root and John Moritz
Star-Telegram Austin Bureau

Tuesday 21 September 2004

AUSTIN - A Travis County grand jury returned 32 indictments in the 2002 Republican fund-raising investigation Tuesday, alleging felony election code violations against a top aide to U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Sugar Land, the head of a political group DeLay founded and eight corporations that provided money for their activities.

Among the companies indicted on grounds that corporate money was illegally funneled into the 2002 legislative elections were Sears and Roebuck, Westar Energy Inc., Cracker Barrel Old Country Store and Bacardi USA.

Three people were indicted: John Colyandro, former executive director of Texans for a Republican Majority, a group DeLay founded; Warren RoBold, a DeLay fund-raiser; and Jim Ellis, a top DeLay political aide.

An attorney for DeLay, Steve Brittain, said the congressman was cooperating fully with the investigation spearheaded by Travis County District Attorney Ronnie Earle. But Brittain raised questions about the timing of the indictments, issued just a few weeks before the 2004 elections. "All of these people felt very comfortable that they were not violating the law, that they were following the rules as they understood them," Brittain said. "On behalf of Congressman DeLay, we agree, we don't believe that anyone intentionally violated the law."

Earle, a Democrat, said the indictments stem from a 22-month investigation his office made into Republican fund raising on behalf of Texas House candidates during the 2002 election cycle. He said the investigation will continue after the present grand jury's term expires on Sept. 30.

"Texas law makes it a felony to both give and receive political contributions from corporations and labor unions," Earle said during an afternoon news conference. "In the fall of 2002, after the Texas Association of Business boasted that it had engaged in the wholesale flaunting of that law, this office began its investigation."

It was not immediately clear whether Earle intends to seek additional indictments, but he did say that more work remains to be done.

Republicans have suggested that Earle's investigation was politically motivated, and at one point GOP Gov. Rick Perry suggested that the district attorney was on a "witch hunt."

But speaking with reporters before the indictments were unveiled, Perry said that he, like most Texans, supports "the grand jury system."
W_Tracy_Parnell said:
Why don't you tell us one thing you like about America?

I am sure, no correction - I am positive, T2k will give you an answer himself.

I have a very long answer and a very short one.
Here the short and very obvious one:
Scott, the Owner of this forum, is to me, one of the living examples of democracy and the freedom of speech - something, which is not granted everywhere anymore. He gives us the opportunity to express our opinions, regardless if right or wrong - something I admire a whole lot and that is ONE of reasons, why I don't like it here - I love it !!:)
T2k said:
Oh, you're such an ignorant troll... living here makes it mine too.
I know you're not too educated, so I'll help you out and tell you that to be a subject of a legal system doesn't require any citizenship, not even a resident status, only one thing, being under its jurisdiction.
In case of the US one it's even more weird: some corporate crooks often think DMCA has authority in Europe and Asia et cetera etc.

FYI if I'd apply for it, I'd get pretty fast. Unfortunately current corrupt freak show (aka "administration') and its trends convinced me to put this on hold.

Wrong. The law may apply to you but OUR judicial branch is NOT yours until you are a citizen Troll2000. LETS HOPE YOU CONTINUE TO BE DISCOURAGED. COMRADE.
Conspiracy is a pretty vague charge which will be difficult to prove and likely dropped. The witch hunters will need something more than that.
vurbano said:
Conspiracy is a pretty vague charge which will be difficult to prove and likely dropped. The witch hunters will need something more than that.
the charge came from a jury, not from a single DA, who is known for being NOT being biased at all - out of 15 cases from his office, which involved a politician, 11 were against Democrats. When that happened, I didn't hear the word "witch hunters" then.
I do understand, that when one is alone in the woods - whistling helps to fight the fear :D
Matt said:
I am sure, no correction - I am positive, T2k will give you an answer himself.

I have a very long answer and a very short one.
Here the short and very obvious one:
Scott, the Owner of this forum, is to me, one of the living examples of democracy and the freedom of speech - something, which is not granted everywhere anymore. He gives us the opportunity to express our opinions, regardless if right or wrong - something I admire a whole lot and that is ONE of reasons, why I don't like it here - I love it !!:)

Well said!
vurbano said:
Wrong. The law may apply to you but OUR judicial branch is NOT yours until you are a citizen Troll2000. LETS HOPE YOU CONTINUE TO BE DISCOURAGED. COMRADE.

That is the attitude that concerns me. It seems like in the past those choosing to come to this country to work and live had a different attitude. They wanted to fit in and do well. Now, they get here and right away they have "rights". A very unhealthy situation IMO and T2K seems to be a poster child for it.
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