Deep Space Transmission Costs


New Member
Original poster
Sep 6, 2011
I would like to know what is required & how an individual can transmit voice & data into deep space. Not aimed at any satellite to re-transmit to an earth receiver... just far out into space.
A relative of mine is quite ill, and an avid fan of blogging and using video cameras. As a memorial to them, my sister and I would like to take some of their video and emails, and send them out into space as some form of digital signal, so that the signals and cousin live forever.. Is that possible? Do we have to buy time from a company, or could we build something ourselves? What is required? The family would contribute to the finances, but after searching the internet, we can't find any service that seems to offer this..
I can send out a picture via slow scan tv on amateur radio frequencies but I would have to put my call on it to keep it legal! That would get out to space! Or maybe you can find a ham who could do it via moon bounce, or miss the moon all together!

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I think you start by defining what you mean by "deep space".

I don't think it's too difficult to get sound and video past the atmosphere and reaching 22,500 miles out to the Clarke Belt, since satellite internet did that. But if you mean getting it beyond Pluto, I doubt the issues are the same.

If you want to get those out there, maybe find a Wild Blue setup, aim the dish at the point in the sky you want. Then rig the whole thing to send sound and video files into the beyond
Check with a local TV news station. They can use their mobile reporting unit and just aim their dish 'out' to the sky. Odds are, however, there already is data floating out there b/c at some point their previous e-mails, videos, etc., were probably transmitted over satellites. The signal is like a "focused flashlight", not a lazer beam so there was probably parts that went past the satellite before it was bounced back down to earth. (But I realize that's just not the same.)
Thanks for reply... By deep space I mean out towards the stars of "Orions Belt".. I suppose I want to know how to build or buy my own signal/satellite transmitter suitable to send video and data out beyond earths atmosphere as far as posasible on a reasonable budget. Do I need to buy a satellite 'Transmission" dish?; can I re-use a dish that we had on the side of my cousins house to pick up satellite tv from the cable company?; what sort of 'transmformer' do I need to translate video and data into a signal to transmit?; I heard that MIcrowave signals go further/are stronger? ; Do I need a government licence to send signals into space? We really are grateful for any and all help!! Thank you.
Allan Weiner (yes, the Allan Weiner, for those of you who remember the pirate radio scene in the '70s and '80s), used to offer laser broadcasts to space. I can't find his website dedicated to it anymore, so I'm assuming that it wasn't profitable, but I suppose you could contact him to see if he could accommodate you in any way. If there's anybody to ask about weird radio projects, he's the one. You should be able to reach him through his main station's website,

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