Dear Friends... (A Note about the Sling Adapter Promotion)

Hmm. Just had a thought. We might be able to program the ota channels to record and then watch the playback. So in effect you could watch your local ota's with a very slight delay.

Haven't played with that yet, but we shall see.

Yes it works. The guide shows ota channels from the TV! tuner. So from DRA I scheduled a recording on a sub channel from
Syracuse NY. Locals that I can only get OTA. About 4 minutes after the recording started I went to my dvr and was able to bring the program up and watch it. So while you can't watch ota directly, you can watch an ota channel through the dvr function.
If you have a 722K, you have OTA on TV 1 and TV 2. If you have a 622 or a 722, you only have OTA on TV1.

Read my post #539. Even with a 722 the locals from the TV1 tuner show up on the channel grid on DRA. You can't watch them directly, but you can program them to record on the dvr and watch them later. Even if that later is a minute or less after they started recording.
Well, a brief description of my installs, and using DRA. The installation of the adapter itself was simply plugging it in. The ViP722 receiver in my master bedroom recognized it and put up a banner noting it had been attached.

First, I did the iPhone. Using Safari, I went to It recognized that I was on an iPhone and gave me a different screen, ultimately loading a dish app. After that, access via the dish app works just fine. The process wasn't exactly as described in the instructions, but close enough. Of course, it's a small screen, but over 3G it is quite acceptable for one person to watch for short periods, or even two, really close people. My wife was amazed.

Second, I set up the W7 FF4 laptop. I did this over a moderate 3G connection. It loaded a Firefox add-on. This was rather lengthy, perhaps because my av s/w was so carefully examining everything. A restart of Firefox is required. There are 4 quality settings: auto, good, better & Best/HD.

The PQ and AQ on the laptop was lousy over "2 bar" 3G. Via wireless, also, it had too many breakups and lip sync was just awful. I figured it was my miserable Fios Actiontec wireless router. Then suddenly, :eureka:. Or perhaps more accurately, DUH! I forgot, my master bedroom ViP722 was connected thru a hub! A brainless, bandwidth destroying, HUB! So I moved the little red wonder down to the living room ViP722. Now, over the same wireless, it works just fine, just leave it on auto. Same for the laptop over a 2 bar 3G, just fine. This weekend, I'll run a VGA cable from the laptop to a TV in our RV and see how it looks. Assuming, of course, we can get anything over the (barely) 3G out there.

BTW, I've run it over RJ-45 also, to good effect.

It is interesting to watch the ViP722 turn itself on and shift in and out of dual mode. Flawlessly. The one thing it does not seem to do is turn itself off when you're done. Minor problem, but it means I need to hit the power switch before using my Harmony to control my system.

Now I've got to run the master bedroom ViP722 directly, bypassing the hub, and leave all the other stuff on the hub. Glad I ran two drops there. Too bad I need four.

Favorites lists would be real nice.

I tried dish online briefly, not much to say there. Maybe after I've used it more.

In short, it seems to be really worthwhile. If it works at the campground, I'm sure we'll get a lot of use out of it. I'll report on that, later.

I'm researching the adapter and you caught my attention with this one.
My solution was going to be run one cat6 to the entertainment center and then add a switch to connect all the devices.
Do you think a modern ethernet switch will do a good job instead of an old HUB?
No do not use a hub! A modern switch will separate all but broadcast traffic onto local segments. A hub will just repeat everything coming into one port and send it out all the rest. :p I personally run all GigE switches, and this works well.
I'm researching the adapter and you caught my attention with this one.
My solution was going to be run one cat6 to the entertainment center and then add a switch to connect all the devices.
Do you think a modern ethernet switch will do a good job instead of an old HUB?

A switch will be just fine. It's not going to go anywhere near 100 megabit either, and the 722(k) is 100 baseT anyways. I have mine on a switch with no issues.
I'm researching the adapter and you caught my attention with this one.
My solution was going to be run one cat6 to the entertainment center and then add a switch to connect all the devices.
Do you think a modern ethernet switch will do a good job instead of an old HUB?

Yep. A switch is the way to go. I used an old (& I mean OLD) hub I had lying around because most of the traffic across it I expected to be just FW updates, and PS3 downloads of trailers, etc. I've now run the ViP722 direct, bypassing the hub. I'll probably get around to replacing that hub with a switch. Heck, I might have one lying around.

At the office, I'll replace my 48 port sw with a giga when the prices come down.

I tried using the sling adapter from the campground. It really doesn't work very well with the slow, tenuous connection, but we COULD manage to watch something if we really really wanted to, and had a high tolerance for pain.
Pretty much anything you will work that says switch.. you would have to dig very very hard to find a hub.

I need to clean out my 20 year locker. Sadly, I've begun to let go CD (YES!) and DVD drives with IDE interfaces. Anybody want any Centronics cables? And how did I get all these S-video cables?

At least, I haven't come across any MFM cables.
Have any of you with iPads tried to use HDMI out to watch content on a connected HDTV? I have an iPad 1 but with Apple's new HDMI adapter I'm only getting audio, but no video.
Resuscitating this thread for a question about wifi equiped tvs. Can you use the sling adapter to sling directly to a wifi HDTV?

I was thinking of adding another HDTV and saw some with wifi built in for apps (netflix, hulu) and thought maybe DISH would have an app or I could sling the TV 2 to the TV this way.
Have any of you with iPads tried to use HDMI out to watch content on a connected HDTV? I have an iPad 1 but with Apple's new HDMI adapter I'm only getting audio, but no video.

As you asked here too...

Has anybody tried using Apple's new HDMI out iPad cable to watch Sling Adapter content on a connected HDTV? When I hook up my iPad (version 1) to my HDTV via the HDMI adapter I'm only getting audio, no video.

While opening a new thread for something that might exist already is frowned upon ... so to is redirecting message threads ....

... however ... as I posted the reply in the other thread ... so too I've copied that below ...

... I did find this at Uncle Google's House of Homeopathy & Personal Responsibility Clinics... (aka ) under "... which ipad apps support ..."

Don't know the date on that, don' t know if apple updated or added additional applications that would be "allowed" to send video .. but it at the very least gives you a direction to go.

While I'd normally rail on dish to pay any fees or royalties needed to allow the video to work (if it is this restriction that causes it) I'd instead rail on Apple because of its DRM stance and attutude toward users and its use of witchcrafts and spells that keep their minions under their watchful eye never straying and never rising up with pitchfork or flame to burn the house of apple to cinders.. a powerful magic indeed. O:-)

Did DISH take away my SD channels? DISH's new skinny guide

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