Dear Dish: Please add AJE

Once again, a ROKU box will definitely get you 24/7 al Jazeera via their Newscaster "Channel" at no monthly cost.

Right now the info about LiceStream on Roku has changed. very few of the channels work no except al Jazeera.

Newscaster and LiveStream are two different "Channels" on Roku. A Roku box costs as little as $60.
I 'm not totally convinced that Al Zazeera will be a must have once the Middle East calms down. Why would they be any different than the the U.S. news channels, who have spikes during times like this, then drop back? Unlike the posters in this thread who very well may watch these news channels all the time, (I often watch) I can tell you not one of my friends or anyone I work with watch a dedicated news channel unless there is a major event, or for the showbiz news. Most all rely on the internet for their daily news along with the 11PM local news and the Morning Shows on the networks before work.
Actually, if you get EuroNews on Dish, (Great channel) along with Link and FSTV, you will have quite alot of international news. Add live streaming from the internet and I don't know how urgent it is to add Al Jazeera full time. BBC might be more welcomed by more people.

I do not want to pay more for any of the present packages to get these channels That does not mean I don't want them. They should be added to the present core international package to make it a real international news package. Then those who want it can pay for them.
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The issue is having a different editorial POV on global stories. The US news outlets are US-Centric (as they should be), the there are so many news stories and events from around the world that are only covered with a cursory paragraph rather than any in-depth coverage. The news in the US is always about how a story affects us. The Japan quake story on all the domestic networks always turned to how it affected the US. The night of the quake, the story turned onto the tsunami threat to Hawaii and the US mainland. When the nuclear reactor began to leak, the story was about how winds would carry the radioactivity to the US (which was wildly exaggerated the first couple of days then scaled back. However stories on Al Jazeera, Euronews and even BBC World are about the story and only the story. Little to no speculation on how it may affect x, y or z is offered. It is the kind of news we used to have in the US before the network news industry was handed over to the entertainment division (the reason Cronkite resigned ahead of schedule). Al Jazeera offers a unique editorial POV which is not specifically "anti-american" as one specific news organization would have us believe. There is a need for news that is not concerned with ratings, shouting matches or celebrity encounters.
I think people have been waiting on that for a few thousand years...

True dat!

Thus, the problem with American "news" organizations. Pandering to the masses instead of providing NEWS.

I get that, but if they don't, they lose all revenue and won't exist. We can stand on our high horse all we want, very few will routinely watch a channel that is all straight forward news except in times like now, and even then, only for a short time. If there are no viewers, it makes it hard for the channel to exist. This is even more true with so many getting most all their news from the internet.
I think it is backwards to think the news channels drive what we see. At least most of the time, we drive them by our watching habits, as with most any TV channel/show.
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Al Jazeera offers a unique editorial POV which is not specifically "anti-american" as one specific news organization would have us believe. There is a need for news that is not concerned with ratings, shouting matches or celebrity encounters.

Without getting into politics and my or your beliefs, I will say this. They may as of now be not specifically anti American, but there is plenty of evidence of past reporting that would indicate that was not the case, nor their balanced reporting concerning Israel. But this does appear to be a little different world in the Mid-east, with the Arab Nation actually going against their own, and supporting and even asking for help from the West. Perhaps Al Jeezera also has changed. We have after all seen some changes in our own news networks and how they report.

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