I have homes in two different time zones, neither of which can receive over the air signals nor have access to cable. Without my distant networks I'm in the "cold." I contacted my senators and congressman. One of my senators sent me an e-mail today, but it offered little hope.
I tried to get waivers from my local networks years ago. I applied at one of the stations at 4:30 p.m. on a Monday. On Tuesday morning I received a letter declining my petition. Like they really read it. I know they didn't because they would have known I could not receive a signal even if I had to biggest antennea available, which by the way I did.
We are up against a strong lobby. Not going to happen.
I still have my big dishes so I guess I'll try that route, but like MBARNES, I have a RV. Kind of hard to take a 12 foot dish with me.