Just curious as if any of you had your R15 die on you. Yesterday mine was acting strange, like being extremely unresponsive to the remote commands or even the buttons on the unit. It would take 30 seconds for it to change channels, etc etc. I reset the unit and it was fine for the rest of the evening. My wife turned the unit off before going to bed, then this morning the unit seemed dead, would not power up at all. I reset it and it gave me the Starting receiver message, wait a few more seconds, etc....then reboots itself, starting receiver message again, reboots itself again, and continues this loop 4 or 5 times. Then when it gives up I guess, the record button lights up by itself and the unit is totally unrespnsive. I can reset it again to the same result.
Called DTV and a new unit is on the way.....
Called DTV and a new unit is on the way.....