Daylight savings time?

I consider myself a conservative actually. I generally ignore everything she or obama say. I didn't know that she had ever said anything about DST.

I also think you misunderstood me a little. I thought it was a mistake and a waste when they passed the legislation to start with and now that it's the way it is, I think that they should just leave it alone. If they had just left it alone to start with, it never would have cost anyone anything. From my point of view and, I think, the general POV of the IT industry, the simplest solution is to just never change it again...period...either to put DST back the way it was or to do away with DST completely. Then you never have to worry about it again.

Yea I wasn't trying to call you a LibDem, just poking a little fun at her Dem debate the other night.
Regardless, I'm with you on doing away with it. I know what a PITA it is just making sure all my household clocks are adjusted correctly. I can't imagine my time investment X300 million. It's more effort than reward anymore.

Sorry Ice, but I gotta go there just a tad.. :D

RockinHARD26 said:
Please remind me, who makes and/or signs laws into power again? The president. It doesn't matter who started it in the houses, its the idiot in-charge who is the one in power.

If this were true life would be MUCH simpler.. I can't argue that this was Bush's plan for DST adjustment, but you have to look at the big picture. The president DOES NOT make and sign all the bills or laws that we're stuck with. Your House and Senate do that, he just has the option (sometimes) to overthrow them. And while he can introduce whatever he wants, that does not make it so without going through the above.. Politics 101, your thinking of a dictatorship. Which is what hillary wants as well.. :hungry:

Ok Sorry guys.. back on topic.. :)
Yes, please, let's leave the politics out of here. Tons of people hate Bush, tons of people hate Hillary. You're not going to change anyone's mind by complaining about them here. And it just winds up upsetting people who feel the other way.

Back to the DST thing, I have long thought they should just pick one and stick with it. Don't care which one, just pick.
Yes, eliminate DST--as someone said do you think the cows notice the time change?
While we are at it eliminate all time zones, everything to be GMT and also go to a 24-hour clock. It might have a poor ring to have the gunfight at a noon of 1900 or so. This would be one hard transition one time instead of twice a year forever.
I've got a clock radio next to my bed that adjusts itself automatically for DST. Kind of a useless feature now as it was manufactured before this latest change. It switched last week.
I like the later hours of daylight much more than the early hours. I would go for daylight saving time all year round.

Then kids would be going to school in the dark. I say just leave the time the way God intended it to be. It takes a week for my internal clock to catch up every time the time changes!sadroll
You've been watching hillary too much..
First you say doing away with it would waste more money, then turn around and say how much money was wasted by the change...
Doing away with it would be the simplest solution, never have to worry about it again.

Yeah, typical Hillary mentality.... my wife and I have been saying DST should be done away with for as far back as we can remember. Every time this sh*t comes around we get pissed off at how stupid it is. This isn't the 1800's anymore. The farmers and train schedules are no longer running the American economy and we no longer need to cater to their old fashioned needs (I doubt they would care anymore anyway).

When they made the changes to DST, I was excited at the thought that they would do away with it, and then reality set in, they only shortened the time between fall back and spring forward.

I have my own business.... maybe I'll stay on the summer time and tell my customers I don't observe such outdated time changes. Oh wait, my cable and sat boxes, phones, pda, pc's, and everything but the stove, microwave, and my a$$hole alarm clock changed automatically to the "new" time.
I work in the IT industry and we spent a lot of time at the company I work for preparing for the change last spring and it's not something that we would want to go through again.

It's called doing your job. I work in IT too and would gladly welcome getting rid of this time change crap once and for all. Don't be an "I don't welcome change" IT guy... that is the worst type. Welcome change. Let's get rid of it DST oncer and for all.
Please remind me, who makes and/or signs laws into power again? The president. It doesn't matter who started it in the houses, its the idiot in-charge who is the one in power.

He has vetoed very few bills in his nearly two terms, republican or democratically spawned bills. Why would he veto something so ridiculously stupid? He obviously picks his battles and figured if congress pushed this thing through, it isn't worth losing sleep over, and he signed it. Maybe he viewed it as the first step in getting rid of it eventually.

I am in the boat that thinks they should get rid of this bologna all together. I've yet to meet anybody in person that thinks DST is a good idea and that would be upset if it was abolished.
I say just leave the clocks alone. Changing them in the spring and fall really screws up my internal clock! I really don't care if it gets dark at 4:00 in the afternoon. No clock in Alaska will change their daylight hours.

Actually, if they left it on the summer months it wouldn't get dark at 4.. it would get dark at six. It is the winter time that makes it light earlier in the AM and dark earlier in the afternoon.

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