Date when Dish stops broadcasting SD stations/data? Mar 2023?

Well instead of Spectrum, why not try YouTube TV then, their cloud DVR will always record, even if there is a sunspot or tree root or seasonal temperature change problems.

Even if your internet is out, it will still record a planned recording, so you would have that as your back up to Dish.
Thanks for that suggestion; I hadn't heard of the concept or of YTTV. However, while it may resolve some problems, it suffers other deal-breakers.
They don't. I was told switching to SD to HD costs more money than the services want to spend. Even some channels that are in HD, they cost more for Dish to carry them. One is Disney. That is by some of their channels are still in SD. The Super Stations probably will never be offered in HD as so few still have them and I doubt Dish will want to use the band width.
Yes I remember the big Disney/ABC/ESPN Dish Dispute, all Disney channels were gone for months I recall, when they returned only a couple of them were in HD, as opposed to prior to the dispute I think all of them were in HD.
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First I've heard of either warning. Besides, even though this forum keeps saying for years that Dish is out of ViPs, they eagerly sent me a new 622 in just two days a couple of weeks ago and a 722 a year ago ... all free, of course. And even though they may have said they would eliminate SD "some year", there's still no excuse for not creating an email to the effect that "Some year" has arrived. If you're recording in SD, ya better check HD or risk missing some programming. That's just good customer service, and it costs them virtually nothing.
I'm shocked they'd send you a 622 when those were obsolete years ago and replaced with 722's pretty much on sight
First I've heard of either warning. Besides, even though this forum keeps saying for years that Dish is out of ViPs, they eagerly sent me a new 622 in just two days a couple of weeks ago and a 722 a year ago ... all free, of course. And even though they may have said they would eliminate SD "some year", there's still no excuse for not creating an email to the effect that "Some year" has arrived. If you're recording in SD, ya better check HD or risk missing some programming. That's just good customer service, and it costs them virtually nothing.
I'm shocked they'd send you a 622 when those were obsolete years ago and replaced with 722's pretty much on sight
Especially since they didn't want my 622 back when I upgraded to an H3.But I suppose they might still have some refurbs kicking around for those customers who wanted one instead of a 722-the built in antenna input was kind of convenient at one point.
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But I suppose they might still have some refurbs kicking around for those customers who wanted one instead of a 722-the built in antenna input was kind of convenient at one point.
Yeah, the 722K had that pluggable 2-tuner OTA module. The 722 (which I still have in a closet somewhere) was more like the 622 with a single OTA tuner built in.
First I've heard of either warning. Besides, even though this forum keeps saying for years that Dish is out of ViPs, they eagerly sent me a new 622 in just two days a couple of weeks ago and a 722 a year ago ... all free, of course. And even though they may have said they would eliminate SD "some year", there's still no excuse for not creating an email to the effect that "Some year" has arrived. If you're recording in SD, ya better check HD or risk missing some programming. That's just good customer service, and it costs them virtually nothing.
SD still exists as down converted HD..only thing changing is receiver
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Someone (The Borg?) assimilated two or more threads into this one, but somewhere some folks suggested using Hopper folders to separate the recordings made by various household members. Assuming that some day we may have no options other than Dish Hoppers (or changing providers), I looked into Hopper folders. My expectation was that they may effectively segregate the Hopper's drive into independently operating partitions, but Nooooo ... they (may) LET a viewer push a series of buttons whenever he CHOOSES to protect a specific recording from the other viewer's DELETE button.

Googling Hopper Folder Management revealed, for example, one You Tube video that showed how one expert hacked his Hopper folder process to operate ... sometimes ... maybe ... in part ... like independent DVRs. The video was 25 minutes long.

Surely they jest. With real, live, 5-pound pieces of hardware (aka DVRs) beneath each TV in the house, what's mine is mine and what's hers is hers. Each person's watching, recording, erasing, etc. is autonomous, requires just one button push (e.g., RECORD, WATCH, PAUSE WHILE I GO WINDSURFING, DELETE, PROTECT UNTIL HELL FREEZES OVER) per operation, and continues automatically until he intervenes (e.g., when a series turns out to be a dud.)

The whole folder concept sounds much like dimming a smart light bulb. Here's how that goes:
1. I'm eating breakfast and reading the newspaper.
2. I decide to dim or brighten the light.
3. I go downstairs or out into my shop, find my cell phone, turn it on, find my dining room light bulb management app, change the light bulb setting, repeatedly holler up to my wife "HOW'S THAT?" until it's OK, and walk back to the dining room.

Surely they jest ... especially considering that even my ViP 612 does everything I ask of it on 250 channels.


Wow! They are persistent.

External Hard Drive issue/question
