Liked the show, but I don't know why Sue Ellen, after all the hell she went through the first time because of J.R. "encouraging" her habit, would turn to alcohol ever again. Also her being suddenly attracted to Gary,who looks like walking death, looks very suspicious. That is just what she needs : another alcoholic .

The two of them could fall off the wagon together. I think they are setting that relationship up for Valene's return, so they can have the classic soap triangle. God, did anyone see how bad Lucy looked? She used to be a cute short little 18 year old cheerleader and now looks like a fat, dwarf with white hair. Notice no mention of Lucy and Ray Crebs old "roll in the hay" in the barn that they had, before they found out that they were actually related. Would of made for too awkward of a conversation at the funeral I bet.

: J.R. -Larry Hagman