According to satelliteracer we will only be getting CSNNE HD this week as it goes from part time to full time. Good news for NE sports subs and other sports subs.
It looks like we will have to wait at least another week for more HD.
There are still some contractual and technical issues that need to be worked out.
IF my 5LNB Slimline is not SWM, is there any way to upgrade to a SWM 5 LNB Slimline??
I guess if you're in the New England area this is beneficial. But for everybody else it's a non starter. For HD PPV sports packages the games were already available on the part time channel so no advantage for those subscribers.
It's the same story every month. When D* made their announcement in July a lot of people were disappointed, others said "no, no, it won't be that bad, there will be some surprises." Well August 13th came and went with a big thud. Then the apologists said "we'll get something in September." They've said the same thing everything month with nothing to show except for just two channels. Now I guess it's time to say "We'll get something in November" It's getting old.
(I'm not talking about you specifically DK, just the overall message you get from D* fanboys, especially at the other site).
I'm getting tired of hearing the same excuses when nothing gets turned on. We've been hearing this for 3 months. To me it isn't acceptable anymore.
REY, I still blame you for all of this. Since you've joined D* the rate at which we get new channels has almost come to a screeching halt.
REY, I still blame you for all of this. Since you've joined D* the rate at which we get new channels has almost come to a screeching halt.
We have been getting 1 new channel each week for the last few weeks. This trend will continue. Some will be part of one of the basic packages; some will be part of one of the sports packages; some will be part of one of the premium packages; some will be part of HD extra package. Some weeks many will be happy and some weeks only a few will be happy. I can tell you that those with the sports package or in the NE area are happy this week. When a channel like ESPNU goes HD, you will see some very excited subs and some complain about them catering to the sports subs.