I'll try and tread lightly here because I understand any time you bring up Unions, there is a LOT of heated feelings on both sides. I have lived through unionization on both sides of the fence with different companies. And honestly, in both cases I was puzzled WHY a union was needed. As a worker, I was fairly badly harrassed when I voiced any opposition to the planned unionization. I'm not going to name names or companies, but it was ugly. I was left scratching my head, because honestly after dues and all we'd be making less money than we were before.
On the management side, I was again amazed at how hostile the situation can be. I felt like we were a good company, we tried to treat people with respect, and still we were getting calls to unionize. And make no mistake phatnuts, the fact is that some poeple will ALWAYS call for a union regardless of whether you need one or not. It cost us more, I felt like the workers were getting the wool pulled over their eyes, and it really ticked me off. Being forced to unionize in some cases means rewarding the lowest common denominator, and often eliminates the possibility of honest reward for production unless you reward everyone else as well.
I'm not saying unions are evil, or never necessary. I am saying that the process of unionizing can be ugly and damaging, and can really divide a company. I honestly lost friends over unionization because they considered me a "traitor" for being opposed. I will say that in the larger unions, I think there is a degree of corruption. The money flowing to political campaigns that local members have no say over, the money spent on administration, etc; is all coming out of the pocket of average workers.
One final thought... my brother in law is DIE HARD union and we have agreed not to ever mention them again in each other's presence

. He actually works as a union negotiator, and even he has to admit that sometimes the union rules make little or no sense. He had to represent a guy at a union hearing who had showed up drunk twice to work and threatened to kill his supervisor, but couldn't be fired under the union rules unless he had gone through counseling for his problems. It gets silly. So I hope everything works out well for all of you, but any time anyone mentions unions around me I'm a little skeptical.