Chado said:
This is no time to politicize an issue like this. The US should accept any help that is offered. This is an olive branch that should be accepted.
I like that olive branch
When the former pope went to his home - Poland - to talk with an "enemy" does anybody think, he went there because of his love of the then polish government?
When Gorbatschov opened the then UDSSR and the words "glasnost and perestroica" where in everybodies mind, does anybody think, that the conservative part in the UDSSR admired him for that?
When the former chancellor of Germany - Willy Brandy visited Poland and fell on his knees at the memorial in Warshaw for the victims of the Ghetto and asked in the name of Germany for forgiveness - do you think, that all germans loved him for that ? I am not talking about the old-new nazis, who never die out - unfortunately. The Conservative Parties in Germany accused him just for everything - including being a traitor etc.
When he later visited the then GDR ( German Democratic Republic) to open talks with them, do you think - everybody loved him for it?
Especially the former "East-Germans" , let me call them "exil-east-germans" for now - to make my point clearer - they hated him for it. Now I could go on with this list forever......what I mean is - wouldn't NOW be the time for an american president to take the Cuban hand? I know, a lot of "exil-cubans" will have a fit - and probably nobody, who is running for president - regardless what party - could afford to do it, when he/she is in the presidential election campaign.
Regardless if liked or not - President Bush will not run again - so he actually has an opportunity to do something nobody else could do.
Getting rid - or to change a government doesn't always need a fighting sword - Convincing people - countries by all other means - might bring way more success - saving more fathers and mothers from losing a kid in a war.
The positiv example of the former East-European countries, the people in all those former communist countries did prove it - or did they not?
Not natural disasters alone distroy human lives - I am afraid, if we don't change our attitude towards todays "strangers,foreigners, enemies- no natural disaster is necessary to destroy all of us!