Cruising in December. Booked it after all.

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Jul 20, 2005
Northern VA
As some may have noticed in other threads, I have been toying with going on a cruise. I did not expect to make a decision for a couple more weeks, but in order to preserve "peace in our time" I made the move today. Also, I noted the cheap flights were filling up fast. Today alone, a couple flights I was looking at went up $11 in a couple of hours, and went down to only 5 seats available. A couple of flights yesterday that had only 3 seats left, were no longer available today.

We will fly to Ft Lauderdale the day before, and crash at the hotel, avoiding having to report to the airport at 5 a.m. :yikes We fly back the day the ship returns to port. The cruise line will provide all ground transportation between these points for a VERY reasonable price. We booked over the phone, which took an hour and 25 minutes to go over all the options and answer all my questions. I asked if that was normal, and she said repeat customers sometimes book in as little as 10 minutes. Of course, a lot of that time was involved in doing battle with airline ticketing. I made it all one package, and got some guarantees that way. For example, if we miss the ship leaving the dock, we get flown to the next port at no cost.

We are taking a Princess Cruise on the Ruby Princess. The timing was right, the cost came in below my expectations, and -AND- they offer a tour of the engine control room, which cinched it for my wife. The islands? Well, I guess they're OK. To be honest, I'm not too hyped up for this; it just doesn't seem to have the appeal of the Oasis of the Seas. But the price is far less.

BTW, Princess Cruise Lines seems proud that there are no luggage limits with them, other than it must all fit in your cabin.

They have great reviews on food and entertainment, so I'm sure I'll enjoy myself.

Thanks to all who posted earlier, to help educate me.
I've never heard of a luggage limit on any cruise line. You will have to let us know how it is. :) I have never sailed Princess.

On this cruise, there will be two "black tie" dinners. We plan to avoid them both, and eat in other than the main dining halls. Considering that, is there any reason to bring a coat and tie?
If they say formal attire it is OK to wear a suit, even sport coat and tie. Most cruise lines aren't fussy about the tux requirements but they will not seat you if you show up in shorts, flipflops and a tie died T shirt. You do not need a tux. Normal dinners are sport coat and tie except on a special theme night which is usually island attire. Cruising is special and you should treat it as such. You'll actually enjoy the atmosphere more if you participate in the festivities rather than be a party pooper. Get your picture taken on formal night and enjoy yourself.

If you don't already know- check your passport and be sure it is current for the entire month you are traveling.

The boarding guarantee isn't worth much considering you are arriving the day before. When you do your airport to hotel or hotel to port transfer be sure to watch your luggage very carefully. I've heard so many stories how transfer services will dump luggage and lose it. Could spell disaster for your vacation. Many times they will place your luggage and it gets in a the wrong row at the dock and gets put in the wrong ship.

Usually it's the airlines that have these luggage limits. Never heard of a ship cruise line having them. You'll have good closet and drawers for clothes you will unpack, the suitcases store very easily under your bed. What we do is take one large suitcase to hold all clothes per person for the week. I fit two suit coats and two pairs slacks, pair of black dress shoes and 3 dress shirts for the evening dinners, everything else is shorts and golf shirts and sneakers for walking. Then take one overnight bag per person for personal one change of clothes, and your personal stuff including laptop, cameras. I use my full size computer roller bag and wife has a carry-on roller bag. You will need this so you have that stuff to take with you after you check your large luggage. The last night you will need it as your large suitcase will be put out the evening before and picked up for transport to customs. So you will need that carry-on bag for one nights stuff before disembarking you will hand carry on and off the ship. If you buy souvenirs, you may want to get a collapsible bag to take with you and break that out if needed on the return home flight. I always carry a duffle in my main suitcase for that purpose.
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