Cross your fingers $50 barrel of oil

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My friend who is a trader, in the oil pits, said that sometime around spring you MAY see oil around 60-75 a barrel.
$50 oil = bad news

We'd just get complacent again. We really have to develop alternative sources. Electric cars charged off a nuclear powered grid. And everything else we can develop. Think how much easier life could be if we weened ourselves off middle east oil.
$50 oil = bad news

We'd just get complacent again. We really have to develop alternative sources. Electric cars charged off a nuclear powered grid. And everything else we can develop. Think how much easier life could be if we weened ourselves off middle east oil.


The only reason we are finally getting off our fat asses and working on alternate energy is that it now can make a PROFIT to do other sources.

It Oil goes way down again, we will stop development like we did in the 70's, when there were 2 hour gas lines, and we pushed alternative energy. OPEC openned the valves, supply increased and we quickly forgot about alternate energy stuff.

I am one who wishes gas went to $5 a gallon and stay around that. There are alot of alternate energy sources that $5/gal would make profitable to develop

Then once developed, the cost to make then would go down, gas/oil would then compete against the alternatives and prices would stabilize alot lower.

Now this is 5-15 years away, but if we don't start, we will never get there. If we started in 1974, we would have had it in the 90's easy.
How can it be bad news for those people who are currently struggling to work and provide for themselves and their families? Do you like the fact that the high price of fuel has pushed up prices on everything that has to be transported and everything thats made from oil? Theres still an awful lot of people in this country who are living on low income minimum wage income and fixed income and the rise in prices has been to be blunt killing them slowly.
How can it be bad news for those people who are currently struggling to work and provide for themselves and their families? Do you like the fact that the high price of fuel has pushed up prices on everything that has to be transported and everything thats made from oil? Theres still an awful lot of people in this country who are living on low income minimum wage income and fixed income and the rise in prices has been to be blunt killing them slowly.

The price of oil affects everyone and everything. Try to name something that isn't affected by oil.
Brazil started to shift to ethanol in the 70s, after that gas crisis. Now, thirty years later, they've pretty much completed the process. I guess our politicians can't look that far ahead.

Every time I see some teenager weaving in and out of traffic, "in a hurry" - I think the price of gas is too low. But I don't want to pay more, either.
Brazil started to shift to ethanol in the 70s, after that gas crisis. Now, thirty years later, they've pretty much completed the process. I guess our politicians can't look that far ahead.
http://// I agree about the politician part, but not so much the Ethanol part (I say we should've been drilling more of our own oil 30 years ago-but you're right..politicians can't see the forest for the trees), with all due respect..And by all due respect, I mean just that. My post wasn't intended to start anything or demean anyone's opinion. You know how things on this site get misconstrued very often over almost nothing..:rolleyes:
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How can it be bad news for those people who are currently struggling to work and provide for themselves and their families?

Because it mortgages their future for the benefit of the present.

Low prices will keep competing fuels from being developed. And then one day, WHAM, another sudden huge increase in price. Maybe too high a price to be paid.

Better to spend the money now to develop alternatives. It would be nice if we had politicians with foresight, that would still spend money (& enable companies to afford to spend money) to develop alternative energy sources, even with low fuel prices.
http://// I agree about the politician part, but not so much the Ethanol part, with all due respect..

Well, maybe that's "the other side of the story." But most reports do not support it. Brazil now makes cars (Tetra?) that are quad fueled- ethanol, natural gas, blend of ethanol/gas, and "pure" gas. You pull up to the station, buy what's cheapest for you, and drive off. The car automatically detects what fuel is being used and adjusts. This was on the show "Beyond Tomorrow" so we can be sure the topic was not fully covered.

Personally, I don't think we will get ethanol long term from corn. Maybe from the whole stalk, or from prairie or marsh grass. Better yet, algae. Still better, all electric and wind, wave, solar and nuclear power. Amazing to think how much our world would be transformed if someone came up with a ten fold increase in battery storage density. With high current output.
Exactly my point.

If prices go down, alternate research ends, prices stabilize lower for a few years, then this all happens again, and we are no further along towards foreign energy dependance than we are now.

So, WE get better, but our CHILDREN pay later, just like WE are paying now for what our parents did 30 yrs ago, like 70's gas lines and gas went then up from
$0.32/gal to $0.63/gal, then $1/Gal

See the similarities?

Each time, it gets harder to FIX things and next time, we might not be able afford
the gas or the research to get out of it.
It seems like the oil companies are doing this on purpose so that they can make a bunch of money for an x number of years then before the research and development is complete on alternative energies the prices drop a lot lower but are still a bit higher than they were before the increase started. Hopefully this time they will continue the research and remember what happened this time that the prices can get high in a short period of time and then have that technology ready for the next price increase.
I'm leaning to fuel cells. There should be a way to use wind or solar power to produce the H2 on-site for refueling. Pipe dream prehaps, and certainly a long way off.

In the meantime, I'm with navychop and others. The worst thing for this country long-term would be to return to gas prices low enough to cause widespread complacency again...!
I dont think that funding will disapear this time, things might slow a bit but not like we fear it might, two gas shortages in 30 years should be enough of a reminder to not stop and we're already past the knee through the doorway of progress into alternative fuels. I think the big mistake is the ending of tax incentives for hybrid vehicles and solar panel powered homes.
I'm leaning to fuel cells. There should be a way to use wind or solar power to produce the H2 on-site for refueling. Pipe dream prehaps, and certainly a long way off.

In the meantime, I'm with navychop and others. The worst thing for this country long-term would be to return to gas prices low enough to cause widespread complacency again...!

I hate to say it, but I think most people have already adjusted to the shock of where the prices are now. Therefore, even it gas prices stay unchanged, I think complacency is going to settle in.

Heck, I was up visiting Verizon Business in Tulsa this week. I was pleasantly shocked at how cheaply I could buy gasoline there (filled up for $3.12 at a Walmart pump yesterday). So, in my mind $3.12 was a great price for gas.

If you told me 2 years ago I would have been excited to pay "only" $3.12 for a gallon of gas, I'd call you crazy.
Trust me Im not galvanized to the prices at all and I still think and feel whole heartedly that anything above $2.00 a gallon is excessive and milk above the same price is excessive. The thing with higher prices means that less money can go to research after a while as should be evident with our current bank system cascade failure and the $858B bailout where do you think some of or alot of this money is going to come from but the hamstringing of various projects and public services. Hell the goverment should have givin every adult American $1M to pay off their homes and they would have had to spend less than what they did on the bail out.
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