The shows have been ever better this season since dropping Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior - probably since CBS can use all the best scripts for just one show.
Yep, far less creepy and brutal than other episodes this season, but I love how they worked in elements from the Zodiac Killer...along with how Reid contemplating his underachievement. Just change a few variables in Reid's upbringing and could have easily turned into the lonely, anti-social smart killer he pursued last nighy.
It is me or have the past few episodes been lackluster? The show has always managed to create new, creative, and interesting serial killers (albeit much more graphically over the years)...however, the past couple episodes have been less-than-stellar. I sure hope they aren't running out of ideas. We shall see...
"A serial rapist resurfaces in Houston and assaults his past victims; Prentiss attempts to overcome last year's trauma."
Okay, a serial rapist resurfaces...haven't we already seen this a hundred times? Heck, I remember Jennifer Love Hewitt guest starred in an episode of Law & Order: SVU not too long ago about the subject: "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" Behave (TV episode 2010) - IMDb - Prentiss attempts to overcome last year's trauma? Heck, didn't we didn't see Van Pelt attempting to overcome her trauma from last season on the Mentalist...yes, we did!
I agree...and I actually didn't mind how they worked in Prentiss's issues into the story. However, I'm starting to wonder just how many more miles this show has on its engine since they are spending a lot of time resolving "personal issues" and investigating killers with some really bizzare habits...and even non-killers.
Plus, if I see Garcia pull-up a complex querry involving an unsubs private (i.e., protected by law) records from a private source who would restrict access to this information through various security controls...I'll puke! Seriously, I'm amazed how quickly Garcia can access digitized records from a Catholic School back in 1963. Heck, we felt fortunate just to have a mimeograph machine back in the late-60s at my school. Two years ago I requested baptism and confirmation records and it took the diocese a week to locate them sitting in a box in the archives. Of course, Garcia can find them online, along with my report cards and disciplinary records, in three keystrokes...all nicely indexed, sorted, and displayed with my photo, fingerprints and DNA profile. Heck, two more keystrokes and she can display all of my teachers and nuns from Kindergarten through the 8th Grade, complete with their photo, work records, and current address and phone number. I would be in serious trouble if I ever decided to revenge those ruler and yard-stick lashing from 40-years ago.
"The team investigates ritualistic casino-related murders in New Jersey; a fight with her boyfriend makes Garcia think she and Morgan have gotten too close."
Ho-hum...a lackluster show this past week. The scariest part of the show was the suggestion of Morgan possibly doing Garcia. I'll just borrow this image provided by Rey...