I've used a standard DRO single ku lnb, a SatAv PLL single lnb, and then back to the SatAv dual mini lnb on my Prodelin 1.2m dish for Cozi, and there's very little difference between all of them for me on Cozi. I stayed with the dual because I need a dual for my switch. I couldn't keep Cozi locked 100% of the time until I went to the 1.2m dish though, even with the PLL lnb. The fixed 1.2m dish makes all the difference.
IF you are using a 39 inch dish, I would say the PLL would be your best bet, it will hold the signal longer. I do NOT recommend using a PLL lnb when first tuning in a dish though. It'll hold the signal too well, and too long, and you might not easily find the exact sweet-spot where the dish should be aimed.
IF you are using a 39 inch dish, I would say the PLL would be your best bet, it will hold the signal longer. I do NOT recommend using a PLL lnb when first tuning in a dish though. It'll hold the signal too well, and too long, and you might not easily find the exact sweet-spot where the dish should be aimed.