Cozi TV and the Media General replacement for LWN saga.

Also Weigel said that they may try to push all their diginets in a market off one channel. Heroes and Icons would be the second. KDCG is low power like KLAF is is. However KDCG is on full power KLWB DT2 and hopefully Decades and Movies! follows. Thats the plan for the future. Hopefully WKRN does launch MeTV they wont regret it
I've heard nothing more here in Nashville. Maybe we'll see something new appear on our TVs next week on July 1. I think stations often set the first of a month to begin carrying a channel, probably to do with how the contracts are written. If we don't see something by then, which will be just over a month since Media General yanked Live Well, then I'd say it's pretty clear that MG is not concerned about letting those sub-channels sit around unused, gathering dust, so to speak, and falling off people's tuners/program guides. Who knows how long they might go before putting up a new channel? August? September? Start of 2016?
I live in Nashville and we've been waiting since January for WKRN to replace Live Well on 2.3 with Me-TV. (Me-TV, along with Decades and Movies!, is carried on a very low-power UHF station that few people can get -- I live in the city and can get it but with a handful of brief disruptions per hour.) But I'm skeptical that Media General is going to add Me-TV on 2.3. If they were going to, why didn't they do so when they took down Live Well a few weeks ago? They just replaced it with a stretched widescreen version of their Nashville Weather Channel, which also airs on 2.2. Locals who have contacted WKRN report that the station doesn't know what the hold up is, they're just waiting on MG to make a decision. Same goes for WBAY -- that station had gone as far as to publicly announce that Decades would be replacing Live Well but that statement now appears to be retracted. Who knows what MG is going to do with those two stations or any of the former Young stations? I tend to think they are talking to different diginets and will try to make a deal to replace Live Well with a single diginet (or as few as possible) across all of the stations that used to carry Live Well.

Looking across all of those markets, including Nashville and Green Bay, I don't think Buzzr is carried in any of them. I think there are three diginets owned or co-owned by Weigel that are only carried in a single market and on a low-power station at that: Decades (Nashville), Movies! (Nashville), and Heroes & Icons (Lafayette, LA). Weigel has already shown a willingness to jump ship from a low-power station to a high-power station in the same market with their (possibly aborted) deal to move Me-TV from 31.1 to 2.3 here in Nashville.

All that said, I could foresee MG announcing any of those four channels above as the replacement for Live Well across all 7 former Young stations. Then again, who knows? Maybe they'll extend their relationship with Cozi and put it on all of those stations except Nashville (where it just debuted on 4.3) and move ahead with the plan to put Me-TV on WKRN 2.3.

Hey if You find out before what media replaces lwn with my email is thanks trying to stay quiet and not post boring stuff
Anything yet on the livewell replacement for us that are still waiting. I checked the tv newscheck didn't see anything on it but that doesn't mean nothing. Its been 5 weeks how hard it is to sign a diginet. Hope they add something on the .2, .3, .4,
Its been 5 weeks how hard it is to sign a diginet.
Harder than you think. I'm sure Media General is finding something that they can put across the markets that lost LWN.

Hope they add something on the .2, .3, .4,
doubt it. They will replace the -2 but why would you think they would add something to a -3 or -4 when there is none to begin with?
Harder than you think. I'm sure Media General is finding something that they can put across the markets that lost LWN.

doubt it. They will replace the -2 but why would you think they would add something to a -3 or -4 when there is none to begin with?

I was told by someone else that Media General likes to load up diginets on its channels.
This what i was told last week around Friday. The reason why its taking some time that they need one to put for all. All markets in this scenario have Antenna, This, and Me. Some have Bounce, Grit, Get. I asked them hey none of us has cozi, and was told thats high on the list . Its not a garauntee but it could. Another holdup was new launches in markets that lost livewell by Media, Green Bay and Lafayette getting new stations. Oh I did ask about adding something to .3 and.4 and they said only if it would be like Grit, Get, and Escape, but that agreement was only with Univision. I was also told that some former lwn channels have a 24 hour weather on a .2 so the adding more than one diginet would be unlikely. They couldnt garauntee which ones we were getting but Grit and Cozi were the two looked at hard. Sorry should have posted this earlier.
They won't be adding either Grit or Cozi on WKRN here in Nashville as both of those networks are already being carried on other full-power stations here. If they're not going to end up adding the same network on WKRN as on all their other former LWN stations, I don't see why they don't go ahead and give us our replacement (which is supposedly Me-TV) while they figure out one other replacement network for all the other stations.

Also, I wonder why they're not strongly considering the new Decades as the replacement? It was what they had announced as the LWN replacement for WBAY in Green Bay (so they had apparently already been talking to them) and it doesn't appear to currently be carried on a full-power station in ANY of the markets in question. Just make a deal with that ONE diginet and -- boom -- problem solved across the board. I like that Decades has a mix of new original documentary-type programs along with classic TV series and movies, so it offers a little more variety than most retro diginets. Also, it's broadcast in widescreen -- if I'm going to watch stuff in SD, I like it to at least be in the 16:9 aspect ratio.
Here in Dallas Decades is on the same broadcaster as CBS but I don't think they are doing very well. I've seen little chatter about them and when I've stopped on 11.2 I usually move on in a couple of minutes, just no programs of interest.
They won't be adding either Grit or Cozi on WKRN here in Nashville as both of those networks are already being carried on other full-power stations here. If they're not going to end up adding the same network on WKRN as on all their other former LWN stations, I don't see why they don't go ahead and give us our replacement (which is supposedly Me-TV) while they figure out one other replacement network for all the other stations.

Also, I wonder why they're not strongly considering the new Decades as the replacement? It was what they had announced as the LWN replacement for WBAY in Green Bay (so they had apparently already been talking to them) and it doesn't appear to currently be carried on a full-power station in ANY of the markets in question. Just make a deal with that ONE diginet and -- boom -- problem solved across the board. I like that Decades has a mix of new original documentary-type programs along with classic TV series and movies, so it offers a little more variety than most retro diginets. Also, it's broadcast in widescreen -- if I'm going to watch stuff in SD, I like it to at least be in the 16:9 aspect ratio.

Yes Your Good I already know your situation with MeTV replacing LWN on WKRN and WBAY launching Decades on theirs I was just believing that the other 5 markets that havent launched anything yet were getting. Who knows I could be way off and we get Justice. I'm thinking not all 5 of us will get the same diginet. We'll see hopefully before the end of they year.
Here in Dallas Decades is on the same broadcaster as CBS but I don't think they are doing very well. I've seen little chatter about them and when I've stopped on 11.2 I usually move on in a couple of minutes, just no programs of interest.

If I am right your CBS is an O&O and before Decades launched Weigel made a deal with CBS as joint venture kinda like Movies! with Fox TV, Inc. My former CW 50 has the other two Weige Diginets Me/H&I, and was getting these other two I just mentioned but it will take some time for Delta Media to launch them. Also your not the only one not real happy with Decades.
They won't be adding either Grit or Cozi on WKRN here in Nashville as both of those networks are already being carried on other full-power stations here. If they're not going to end up adding the same network on WKRN as on all their other former LWN stations, I don't see why they don't go ahead and give us our replacement (which is supposedly Me-TV) while they figure out one other replacement network for all the other stations.

Also, I wonder why they're not strongly considering the new Decades as the replacement? It was what they had announced as the LWN replacement for WBAY in Green Bay (so they had apparently already been talking to them) and it doesn't appear to currently be carried on a full-power station in ANY of the markets in question. Just make a deal with that ONE diginet and -- boom -- problem solved across the board. I like that Decades has a mix of new original documentary-type programs along with classic TV series and movies, so it offers a little more variety than most retro diginets. Also, it's broadcast in widescreen -- if I'm going to watch stuff in SD, I like it to at least be in the 16:9 aspect ratio.

What Media should have done was launch Me with WKRN and Decades with WBAY and the rest go with the common denominator which would be Cozi. Now they messed on themselves and have to figure what to do. According to the site Me is scheduled to lainch soon on WKRN, amd likewise with Decades on WBAY.
Anyone hear if Media General found replacements for Livewell.

A friend told me that KLFY was getting Cozi on 10.2 and something else on 10.3

He said he called Media last week. I cant get an answer from them...
By August 19 we'll know what diginet or diginets will launch on the 5 remaining media general stations that went to sleep when LWN went off the air. By then we should have a launch date.

Iceburg my bad should have posted my last thread here.

Maybe i would have gotten a like from your friend (the one that liked your reply of why i didnt place my new thread under the other 12, haha its cool with me. the 8 bay comes in Friday and hopefully Saturday i will have time to put it up...
I've heard nothing more here in Nashville. Maybe we'll see something new appear on our TVs next week on July 1. I think stations often set the first of a month to begin carrying a channel, probably to do with how the contracts are written. If we don't see something by then, which will be just over a month since Media General yanked Live Well, then I'd say it's pretty clear that MG is not concerned about letting those sub-channels sit around unused, gathering dust, so to speak, and falling off people's tuners/program guides. Who knows how long they might go before putting up a new channel? August? September? Start of 2016?
I asked WDEF in Chattanooga about 12.3. They said it is in testing and haven't decided which network to add yet. Right now it shows Bounce on .2 and .3. This was in July

Off-Air subject based TV networks

After17 yrs of OTA I'm moving.

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