
SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Nov 29, 2007
San Marcos, CA
I know this is the wrong forum to post this, but it seems to be the only one with any activity.
In the mobile park where I live I am required to pay for Cox TV bundled onto my rent. They are in the process of renegotiating the monthly fee, LOWER and improving the channel lineup. What are the pros and cons of also renting the $30/month DVR.
Is there any reason to consider dropping my Dish with Hopper 3?
That depends on which Cox experience you get. The copy of Comcast Xfinity boxes the Contour 2 hard drive dvr with either 2 or 6 tuners or the new ip cloud based dvr tv service that uses the Panoramic WiFi modem/router. Anything other than those are just old antiquated boxes like a 722.

They both are pretty solid now, but no 30sec skip, just fast forwarding to skip commercials. Channel lists can be customized a little. I believe Prime, Netflix and YouTube are integrated now and maybe Hulu. VOD works well on them.

I have a little experience with them, but not a lot. My sister has the contour 2, 6 tuner model with a couple of dvr and non dvr minis. My nephew has the new IP cloud dvr and tv service. I just used a Tivo with my Cox service the past 6 years until this past January when I moved to primarily Philo and switched the tivo to OTA.
The Contour DVR I was asking about claims to record 24 shows and up to 1,000 hours.
I can NOT get OTA in the little valley where I live even though the San Diego Transmitters are less than 50 miles away.
I have only been with Dish for about 20 years and my H3 hovers between 97% and 100^ full all the time. That doesn't count the half dozen external drives that are nearly full. Most of them are 2 TB.
Well then, it sounds like Dish has you by the external hard drive usb cable. . Those just become empty drives if you leave dish as they won’t be useable on another dish account, even if you leave and come back.

Switching always comes down to price, equipment and the programming you want. 1000hr dvr sounds like the IP cloud service.

Unless it’s going to save you money, you probably want to stay with Dish if the programming you’ve archived on the external drives is important. I stopped archiving off dish for that very reason. I knew the day was going to come that I might leave dish.

I’ve heard people having trouble with some of the Southern California Cox services. I’ve not really had any problems with Cox Oklahoma. Picture quality was great and I was using tivos, so I had more features than the Contour services. My sister and nephew have been happy with their cox equipment for tv.
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I mostly watch Prime, since the pandemic has killed the networks programming and it may never come back.
Of course they will come back. They will simply all wear masks.
The man in the iron mask, Mask, cowboy movies with everyone wearing masks, bank robbers with stocking masks, medical shows like OR. Where is your imagination?
I would like to resurrect this ancient thread since Dish has raised my price AGAIN.
Is the Cox 1000 hour DVR solid now? Is there a limit on how long a recording lasts? Sometimes I will record a whole season of a show and not get around to watching any of it until the season has ended,
Or would I be better off finding a streaming service with no or few commercials on the network shows. I have mostly avoided live TV for 25 years now.
Or am I better off with a computer set up with something like Plex for recoding. I have been building computers since 1980. I have a new 6 TB hard disk that I bought for a Tivo, but I sold the Tivo before I installed the drive.
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