Court Says Dish is not in violation of Injunction

Please guys. There are ten threads already open on whether TIVO can patent this technology. We all have our opinions and express them freely, but htis thread is SUPPOSED to be about distant network carriage. Can we please move the TIVO bickering back into the TIVO threads?
Do you guys think theres a chance that the NPS could sell Distant Networks too Dish Network customers in High Definition?

There's always a chance. They don't seem interested in doing it so far though...

NPS would need another TP (or 2). There seem to a few available on 105 and 121 though. Maybe those SuperDishes could be revived.:p
No, DirecTV didn't "pony up and buy a license" they had a cobranding agreement. Secondly, tivo did NOT invent the recording one thing and watching another. Replay already had that feature. Replay invented the DVR, Tivo was the immitator.


Secondly, Dish Network was the FIRST company to offer a Combination STB (Cable or Satellite Tuner) with DVR capabilities. It was called the Dishplayer, it had firmware from Dish Network and Microsoft's WEBTV as well as DVR firmware written by Microsoft.

The only thing that TIVO invented was "The Idea to Patent" DVR capabilities. Good thing that TIVO wasn't around at the beginning of Home Recording (VCRs).

I get it that many people get all warm and fuzzy feelings from TIVO, but a TIVO is just a DVR just like all the other providers that have DVR capablilities built into STB's or standalone units, or God forbid a Home brewed HTPC DVR.

If TIVO can't survive by getting providers or end users to use THEIR Branded DVR then they don't deserve to survive by holding users of other branded DVR's hostage, with the idea that they themselves copied and then Idea "PATENT" other DVR users out of their unit of choice.

Actually, I think Kodak was using Polaroid's chemical processes. If they would have come up with their own, completely different chemistry, they likely could have continued. They didn't lose because they made an instant camera. They lost because they produced instant prints pretty much the same way Polaroid did.

DING DING DING you got it. Kodak used the same process as polaroid in porducing instant picture. The only difference was the chemical Kodak used--the process was the same. The courts were clear and stated that if Kodak uses a different process they could continue with their camera--Kodak decided not to alter their process--thus they got out of the instant camera business.
If NPS does offer distants in HD, then I will be picking up the ABC feed that I do not have now, but I see no real point in ABC as long as it is SD.

Now if only Dish would add Indy locals in HD, I would "Move" in a heartbeat.
For HD, NPS would need 2 transponders, 1 for each coast.

I wonder if they could do both HD & SD with 2 transponders, 4 HD & 4 SD on each transponder.

Secondly, Dish Network was the FIRST company to offer a Combination STB (Cable or Satellite Tuner) with DVR capabilities. It was called the Dishplayer, it had firmware from Dish Network and Microsoft's WEBTV as well as DVR firmware written by Microsoft.

The only thing that TIVO invented was "The Idea to Patent" DVR capabilities. Good thing that TIVO wasn't around at the beginning of Home Recording (VCRs).

I get it that many people get all warm and fuzzy feelings from TIVO, but a TIVO is just a DVR just like all the other providers that have DVR capablilities built into STB's or standalone units, or God forbid a Home brewed HTPC DVR.

If TIVO can't survive by getting providers or end users to use THEIR Branded DVR then they don't deserve to survive by holding users of other branded DVR's hostage, with the idea that they themselves copied and then Idea "PATENT" other DVR users out of their unit of choice.


The Dishlayer did not have DVR capabilities at first they were added by a softare upgrade later.
When NPS came aboard with Dish I called them to see if they were going to carry local into local in HD, since I was going to subscribe if they did. The CSR I talked to at the time was ambiguous as to whether NPS would at some time begin to carry LIL in HD but seemed familiar with the issue.

Since I am still without locals in HD, I would still subscribe if NPS began offering their service in HD. (I am unable due to location to get HD OTA.) I hope NPS has a presence on this forum and is monitoring this comment...

Since I am still without locals in HD, I would still subscribe if NPS began offering their service in HD. (I am unable due to location to get HD OTA.) I hope NPS has a presence on this forum and is monitoring this comment...




Transponder 15 Spot beams on 61.5

What is NPS and What about their Distant Networks?
