Dirtydan said:Those DP 44s are hard to come by, you might want to check with who might be installing and if they don't have one let them set you up with what ever it takes to get you up and running, but insist that they come back and change to DP 44 when one comes available.
Well the way I was told that the two dishes will be combined to a switch and the signals from the birds will go to the 622 via one coax and a splitter will separate to TV1 and TV2.. I have a fresh single run of RG6 for the dishes and a fresh single run for the OTA so I have that base covered... I'm hoping that the installer will listen to my reasoning for me running the RG6 as I need him to spend the time on signal strength as I have taken the hard part of the install out of the equation.. Well that's my plan at least!!

I talked with my sat guy tonight as I wanted to make sure I have enough fresh runs of RG6 for the 622 plus to run the OTA antenna and for the whole house distribution center in case the 622 takes a dump as I don't want to be stuck not being able to enjoy EarL, CSI, Amazing Race, American Idol and you get the picture.. (I gotta a Humax HFA100 tuner I'm currently using on the Panny and the 4 SDTVs can run off the distribution center)

I have always wondered why the installer doesn't do an onsite check before the install so he makes sure he's got the right stuff but I guess that's not how it works.. Oh Whoa Is Me!! LOL!! The only thing I want holding the installer up is his suspenders as I want to have all the cable runs in before he gets here and as I mentioned before I need him to spend the extra time to insure max signal.. RG6 is cheap and being retired I got nothing but time to piddle..