Could use some help in a choice...

Dirtydan said:
Those DP 44s are hard to come by, you might want to check with who might be installing and if they don't have one let them set you up with what ever it takes to get you up and running, but insist that they come back and change to DP 44 when one comes available.

Well the way I was told that the two dishes will be combined to a switch and the signals from the birds will go to the 622 via one coax and a splitter will separate to TV1 and TV2.. I have a fresh single run of RG6 for the dishes and a fresh single run for the OTA so I have that base covered... I'm hoping that the installer will listen to my reasoning for me running the RG6 as I need him to spend the time on signal strength as I have taken the hard part of the install out of the equation.. Well that's my plan at least!! :D

I talked with my sat guy tonight as I wanted to make sure I have enough fresh runs of RG6 for the 622 plus to run the OTA antenna and for the whole house distribution center in case the 622 takes a dump as I don't want to be stuck not being able to enjoy EarL, CSI, Amazing Race, American Idol and you get the picture.. (I gotta a Humax HFA100 tuner I'm currently using on the Panny and the 4 SDTVs can run off the distribution center) :) I was told the installer only needs to bring a combiner and splitter to run the OTA to the dis. center and back of the 622 so I guess I'm glad I called.. Another run of RG6 and the phone line will be ran tommorw with a total of 3 runs of RG6 to the P.O.R.I. (Point Of Reciever Install) . ;)

I have always wondered why the installer doesn't do an onsite check before the install so he makes sure he's got the right stuff but I guess that's not how it works.. Oh Whoa Is Me!! LOL!! The only thing I want holding the installer up is his suspenders as I want to have all the cable runs in before he gets here and as I mentioned before I need him to spend the extra time to insure max signal.. RG6 is cheap and being retired I got nothing but time to piddle.. :cool:
I suspect you will need DPP lnb with 2 cables to DP44, that is what I think it takes to be able to use only one coax to 622 for both sats, then you will have a separator. Your in Illinois, right, I have a package being delivered by UPS from Dish Store in Detroit, the darned thing got to Hodgkins, Il. on Weds. at 6:09am and has not moved since, since your retired like me, can you run over they and give them a kick in the rear for me? lol
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Dirtydan said:
I suspect you will need DPP lnb with 2 cables to DP44, that is what I think it takes to be able to use only one coax to 622 for both sats, then you will have a separator. Your in Illinois, right, I have a package being delivered by UPS from Dish Store in Detroit, the darned thing got to Hodgkins, Il. on Weds. at 6:09am and has not moved since, since your retired like me, can you run over they and give them a kick in the rear for me? lol

Not a problem Dirtydan and I have been know to be an effective motivator/butt kicker indeed. LOL

The LNBs on the roof are HDTV and DishPro so I have no idea if these are the right ones but I hope the installer and sat guy are talking.. The sat guy "should know" what I have, even in light of all his customers, and should relay this to the installer IMHO.. The sat guy is only 10 minutes from my house so if he has the right stuff in stock then the installer has not but to run over and pick the right stuff up.. ;)

I am an easy to get along with kinda guy and in the turn of events I feel that if I am lucky enough to get a working 622 post haste and in my possesion while others are waiting for months to get theirs then I will be a happy camper with a few more days delay if the parts needed are not in stock. :)

Got to go and finish running the coax and a phone line install.. Man I love this stuff!! :D :D
I think the confusion here is that most of you assume he still needs the FSS feed (105 or 121) on the SuperDish; but he may well be in a market where LIL has been moved from FSS to E*10. If so, the installer could manually aim the SuperDish at 129 (it needs to be manual because a SuperDish aims at its FSS feedhorn), then feed the appropriate DBS output on the LNBF into a DPP Twin LNBF on the Dish500 aimed at 110/119. That setup would result in a single coax that feeds the 622's two tuners thru a DPP Separator. Either that, or the installer needs to read the Mad Scientist thread here to add 129 to the SuperDish...
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Well to make a long story short I have the 622 installed with the Super Dish and Dish 500, both dishes fed to a DP44 Swith to a single coax going to a DP separator and finally to the 622s dual receivers.. :) :up

Well to make a long story short we, my wife and I, haven't had enough time to learn all the ends and outs of the 622 but what we have learned is amazing to say the least and it has cleaned up two unsightly sat receivers and VCRs and condensed everything into one neat and amazing silver box. The installer did a great job and is coming back tomorrow and he and I will be doing some rework on my OTA antenna to get better reception (another story, in another topic, in another thread :) ) .

I will give a further update as things go on but it seems like I am one lucky SOB to get the 622 as quick as I did so my wife and I will set back and enjoy the thrills of HDTV and DVR...

Thanks to all that helped..
papalittle said:
wow he is willing to run new phone line and drill the holes for the installer!! why cant there more people like him? if all my customers did that I would have time to an extra install each day! lol

WEEELLLLL!!! Someone had to do it right!! ;)

Jussttt Kidddinnn.. :D


I'm digging the heck out of this 622 and my wife being "technologically challenged" has been reading the manual and telling ME how to run the remote.. BWHAHAHA!!!

Do you think this might bring us closer together???? Maybe we can tie the knot a second time on Charlie Chat... Watch out Oprah!! :D

The only thing left is an OTA glitch but we will have that fixed by Monday evening and back on line.. Yepppp!! I know... OTA is another topic, another thread, and another post..
Well here is the bottom line folks.. I LOVE IT!!!

The 622 is above and beyond my expectations and there will be a long friendship between it and the Panny 50" Plasma for the future.. Well at least until the next technological advance comes along.. ;)

The installer arrived early on Friday morning and the install went swiflty plus the installer did a great job to say the least as all is tucked away nice and neat and there were no hicups when the 622 first fired up.. I also had him combine the OTA and modulated channel 60 feed to the whole house distribution center and that worked like a charm also.. He was very knowledgeable and took the time to show me and the Mrs. how to operate the remote (she caught on quicker than me I might add ;) ), access functions and work the DVR.. When he left we had a pretty good idea on how to at least use the basic functions and as this is the first Tuesday after the install I feel like I've used this all my life.. heheheheh!! :D I have my Harmony 695 Remote already programmed to operate the 50" Panny, VIP622, HDMI X 4 IR switch, Panny A/V receiver and Sony DVD so I'm Rockin!!!

The OTA issue was a glitch in my wiring, let the flaming begin :D , and I have it pretty much ironed out with the possibility of a little tweaking to get max unfaltering signal a little later on. Now the only thing left to do is to build a stand for the mini fridge and microwave that will sit next to my side of the couch so I won't have to move to far to get some munchies.. LOL!!

HD life is gooood!!

All in all the install scored on a scale of 10 would be a 10 and I have to say I must have had britches on the right way the day I called my Sat guy as it took only took 5 days from my call to order a 622 to the finality of the install.. Sorry guys I just lucked out. :o

Thanks for the 622 recommendation to all of you as this is the Cat's Meow...

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