"Could not reach DISH. Please try again".

Hey, I'm having precisely the same issue as of September 1st. I was having intermittent issues with my "Ok, Google turn off Hopper Plus" not working on my Google enabled devices. Or going into home app, and it not showing a stream was going...

So I deleted my Hopper Plus and My Joey from the app and alas! It would never show up again as a device connected to my networks. It's not even in the list.

Ethernet or WiFi. Both tried. I've also reset both of the receivers to factory defaults and set them up again and reconnected. Rinse and repeat. Signed out of Google, cleared...ended session on Google account. Rinse and repeat.

Now, when I go to link my dish account it just says the same error as this title :(


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  • Sad
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Dish never makes promised call backs. Google Home still insists it's a 3rd party app problem. Neither knew anything about a P0 priority. Onstar just had a similar problem and not provided an estimated repair time, but beat that time by several hours.
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All My Locals are gone
