Could hackers spoil it for us?

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ftadirect said:
Rob here from ftadirect
Just a reminder that we are ONLY involved with legal free to air and do not support ANY unauthorized software. Please do not email us or call us regarding questions about N2. Im sure everyone can understand, we are getting those type of calls, so please... don't be offended because we wont answer questions about illegal software.

Just a reminder... this forum only talks about true FTA anyway so I don't see anyone from here calling to ask you about N2. :)
Okay I now have a question... Im planning on getting into FTA as soon as we have our house (October 31 closing date). Receivers are insane righ tnow... will tehy drop in price any time soon? Ill be posting a "Help me pick out my system" after We move.
ShadowEKU said:
Okay I now have a question... Im planning on getting into FTA as soon as we have our house (October 31 closing date). Receivers are insane righ tnow... will tehy drop in price any time soon? Ill be posting a "Help me pick out my system" after We move.

I think maddawg was selling one in the classified section for like $80.

I would just wait until you move in and look to buy then. I doubt the prices would be any higher, and theres a good chance they will be a lot lower.
Well my fortec is pretty much gone, just waiting for confirmation. I'm definately eyeing that dreambox. Damn unit specs looks so awesome.
maddawg said:
Well my fortec is pretty much gone, just waiting for confirmation. I'm definately eyeing that dreambox. Damn unit specs looks so awesome.

I think it is aptly named.. a dream in a box! ;)
Dish Network really needs to hire some hackers, they seem to work a lot faster then the real Dish engineers do.

It is being reported that people are again watching free dish, less then a day yafter Dish fixed it. :(
Scott Greczkowski said:
Dish Network really needs to hire some hackers, they seem to work a lot faster then the real Dish engineers do.

It is being reported that people are again watching free dish, less then a day yafter Dish fixed it. :(

My thought is this... if a hacker can hack the original algoithm what is stopping him from writing a program that hacks it on the fly... think of it like dvd decrypter... it hacks the key in like 30 seconds max. Im not defending hackers just pointing out the flaw.

Now my thought is this... every hacker or person stealing these services needs to have a cruise missile launched at his/her house.

That aside and I hate to jack the thread... Can anyone point me to an informational about what all I need to know before i buy the equipment... I know what is up there... and Im gonna get that Universal LNB that was listed earlier... and a 90" dish.. motor and fortec lifetime. Anyway Instructions on setting up the dish would be great.... that may be all i need.
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Still Aiming ...

Digicipher 2 FTA

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