Could hackers spoil it for us?

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 10, 2005
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Seems like everything I get into eventually gets overregulated our outlawed. I'm seeing ads in the local buy and sell for FTA N2 receivers and my sister in another province says there are ads in her newspaper advertisng FTA N2 systems for sale. How long will it take before someone takes notice of this blatant action? What might the reprocussions be for those of us who want to pursue FTA legitimately?
The only thing I worry about is some kind of nasty ECM that could potentially take out us legit FTA'ers too. I don't think the manufacturers are really helping 'our' cause either. I'm sure there is a reason that the newer recivers are the ones capable of being hacked.
Good point. My friend believes its the manufacturors themselves that are writting the N2 codes to promote sales. And it sure is promoting sales. They can't keep them on the shelves here in my city.
Shawn95GT said:
The only thing I worry about is some kind of nasty ECM that could potentially take out us legit FTA'ers too. I don't think the manufacturers are really helping 'our' cause either. I'm sure there is a reason that the newer recivers are the ones capable of being hacked.

I dont know if you would have to worry about that as long as your not sitting on a E* bird. If you where watching legit KU FTA, I dont see how you could get ECM'ed specially if you have a "legit" receiver. (ofcourse, accidents do happen, look at D*'s hits a few years ago that accidently took some legit customers too)
All it did was drive up the price of some receivers, because they can be loaded with illegal software, which really pisses me off.

If I want a nice receiver, I could have got it for X amount last month and now its $100 more. When they thought the end was near, these fly by night companies were dumping their stuff as quickly as a bear does in the woods. Now all of a sudden, the receivers I got for $150 are now $229? What has been added to the unit other than the fact it can be downloaded with illegal software? NOTHING….NOT A GOD DAMN THING

ECM’s do no good. Those are for nuking illegal cards. These boxes don’t have that. Dish should switch to a different encryption system NOW!

-switch to DCII
-switch to something new (like Direct has)


Just my .02
TiminMb said:
Good point. My friend believes its the manufacturors themselves that are writting the N2 codes to promote sales. And it sure is promoting sales. They can't keep them on the shelves here in my city.


When i got my Microyal unit, they sent me a sheet on how to load the newest "firmware" which was a hack.
mattb said:
I dont know if you would have to worry about that as long as your not sitting on a E* bird. If you where watching legit KU FTA, I dont see how you could get ECM'ed specially if you have a "legit" receiver. (ofcourse, accidents do happen, look at D*'s hits a few years ago that accidently took some legit customers too)

Actually.. In doing some more research.. all of the Nag1 capable boxes, are also Nag2 capable...

This includes the Pansat 2300a, 2500a, 2700a, Fortec Lifetime, Lifetime Ultra, and any other ones I forgot..

This does not bode well for True-FTAers..

I am sure that Blackcat, or whatever his name is, is actually someone at Pansat..
I was planning on picking up a 2nd Coolsat FTA receiver but the price increases has made me want to sit back and wait till everything cools off.

I agree, there should be criminal penalties or fines for advertising receivers as "FTA N2" because they're advertising towards the illegal sat community out there and not the true FTA community.
Well, I had made a list in the other thread, which included those boxes.. all the new ones.. But I just found out that the older ones are hacked too :(
Bunkhouse said:
I was planning on picking up a 2nd Coolsat FTA receiver but the price increases has made me want to sit back and wait till everything cools off.

I agree, there should be criminal penalties or fines for advertising receivers as "FTA N2" because they're advertising towards the illegal sat community out there and not the true FTA community.

They are being very blatant about it. I called an ad for some equipment for sale and the guy called me back and said the receivers he sells are all loaded with the latest software to receive pay tv and porn. I guess I shouldn't give a hoot what the neighbours think, but I'd lay odds that this will become a news story soon, and then the neighbors will look at the big dish and think, he's stealing satellite tv. They certainly have enough money to run ads here that denounce satellite signal theft. You know the ones, where the kid asks his dad why its ok to steal. So part of the "campaign" is public eduction. But they may paint it with a very broad stroke.
mattb said:
I dont know if you would have to worry about that as long as your not sitting on a E* bird. If you where watching legit KU FTA, I dont see how you could get ECM'ed specially if you have a "legit" receiver. (ofcourse, accidents do happen, look at D*'s hits a few years ago that accidently took some legit customers too)
Right, but you could be watching GolTV / NASA on one of their birds and take a hit. Maybe they'll kindly add any potential ECM to the decoded stream. No hack, no hit :). I think I'll just steer clear of the E* birds for a while.
TiminMb said:
They are being very blatant about it. I called an ad for some equipment for sale and the guy called me back and said the receivers he sells are all loaded with the latest software to receive pay tv and porn. I guess I shouldn't give a hoot what the neighbours think, but I'd lay odds that this will become a news story soon, and then the neighbors will look at the big dish and think, he's stealing satellite tv. They certainly have enough money to run ads here that denounce satellite signal theft. You know the ones, where the kid asks his dad why its ok to steal. So part of the "campaign" is public eduction. But they may paint it with a very broad stroke.

They should run the Cable Anti-theft commercials that they run for Charter Cable...

"Stealing Cable is Illegeal, and we WILL catch you!".. hah best commercial ever.
TiminMb said:
They are being very blatant about it. I called an ad for some equipment for sale and the guy called me back and said the receivers he sells are all loaded with the latest software to receive pay tv and porn. I guess I shouldn't give a hoot what the neighbours think, but I'd lay odds that this will become a news story soon, and then the neighbors will look at the big dish and think, he's stealing satellite tv. They certainly have enough money to run ads here that denounce satellite signal theft. You know the ones, where the kid asks his dad why its ok to steal. So part of the "campaign" is public eduction. But they may paint it with a very broad stroke.
I don't think you're too far fetched in thinking that. I was hanging my mesh dish on the pole this weekend and was asked if I had and if so where I got the 'black box' to unlock all the channels. Geez! I just want some c-band!
ECMs cannot affect anything other than original Dish receivers. No other kind of device can be targetted or affected, regardless of how long you watch the Echostar sats or the number of ECMs Dish sends. No need to worry about that.
But yes, this is giving the satellite hobby a bad name. The only upside I can see is that if Dish Network seal the security hole, the hundreds of thousands of FTA receivers purchased for hacking will be put to proper use, and that may give a boost to legal FTA Ku broadcasting in North America.
Ironic, isn't it?
Its worse than the stock market. I asked a friend what he knew about satellite tv. He told me that a wholesaler he deals with had Digivision DG7000's for $79.00. I asked him to pick me one up. The wholesaler told him, "that was two weeks ago. I was trying to blow them out after the codes failed. But after they hacked the N2 codes I sold them all. And when I get them back in, I have no idea what I'll be charging for them. At least $169.00". So the guy blows them out because they couldn't hack them, then needs to buy more because the market is hot again. LOL!
I think anybody who has raised their prices due to the recent developments is as guilty as people buying them. After all all these transaction have to leave some kind of a paper trail. I would love to see buyers and sellers fined and/or prosecuted.

I even took my circular lnbf down. I get anything that is in the clear through Comcast anyway (like GolTV).
Unfortunatey, its Economics 101.. Supply and Demand.. when you have an overstock of supply, and no demand, they go cheap, then the demand increases (for whatever the reason) and prices go up.. its just the nature of a capitolistic society...

I am not saying that the reasoning behind it is right, but thats the way it is.
vj9999 said:
I even took my circular lnbf down. I get anything that is in the clear through Comcast anyway (like GolTV).

I kept mine up for Gol and the Dish 100 screen :)
The rest (101, NASA, Angel One) I get with my subscribed receiver
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