Could ESPN2-HD be part of the deal?

Walter L.

Supporting Founder
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Mar 29, 2004
Portland, Oregon
Since VOOM today added ESPN Deportes. Could it be that the deal with ESPN also included ESPN2-HD? I guess we'll know in the next few days. I'm crossing my long fingers (see Avatar) :D
Hope so, Walter. My guess is that Voom doesn't want to lock into the per-sub for ESPN2HD until they know they'll be around, i.e., there's some sort of minimum term on the subscription fees they'd be stuck with for six months or a year, even if they just broadcast it for a few days and go belly-up.

Even though I love ESPN, I feel slighted by their treatment of HD. Not just in their programming, but that they don't make a better effort to show HD highlights on SportsCenter. It's to the point now where most major sports games should be available in HD one way or the other. Is it the rightsholders that don't want to allow their use, or is it ESPN just not doing the legwork to get HD clips to air?

I'm guessing that with Baseball Tonight coming in HD, that signals that many baseball highlights will be in HD?
who_the: I think that the same "lock" applies to "ESPN Deportes" and it was added. Also, my guess is that ESPN is desperate looking for customers for ESPN2-HD so maybe they would try to push ESPN2-HD as part of the new deal with VOOM.
Gotcha. But the per-sub for ESPND has to be be much smaller than ESPN2HD, right? Or do you ESPN is offering it cheaply just to get on people's systems?

There has to be *some* reason Voom hasn't added it (we now know it's not bandwidth per se), and I can't help thinking it comes down to money.

Do we know how ESPN prices itself and its subnets? I've seen reports of $2.50/subscriber. The piece on AVS said Universal charges $0.40 and that HDNet charges $1.10.
Maybe they haven't added ESPN2-HD because there wasn't a new deal. Now we know that there was a new (recent?) deal between ESPN & VOOM that could have included ESPN2-HD. If that's the case, ESPN2-HD should show up soon (next week?).
I don't have a clue to the rates providers are charged by networks. Though, I would expect it would be like going to the local rock quarry. Where they charge (lets say) $10 a ton for size "a" and $12 a ton for size "c", etc. But, they also have a minimum fee of $20. So, if you purchase 1 ton of size "a", which cost you $10 plus sales tax. You still have to pay the $20 minimum fee. In other words, perhaps Voom has to pay (lets say) $2 per sub a month for ESPN Tier (alone) and they have 40,000 subs so that's $80,000 a month, but ESPN has a monthly minimum fee of (lets say) $150,000 per provider. So, Voom still has to pay $150,000 per month to keep the service on Voom. This is only my conjecture, but I'm sure it's something simular in nature. So, Voom probably won't be making any money until they cross such hurdles with each network. Each network has their own set of rules to go by. So, I expect it will be several years before Voom starts to make any money. Until then, the Doomsayers will haunt us continuously.

EDIT: I think ESPN2HD is already part of the deal. It's a matter of all things combined. Such as cost per sub, available bandwidth, available HD content for summer and/or baseball. Is it worth the cost verses subscriber numbers verses possible sign-ups if made available verses where will we put it, in Voom basic verses VaVaVoom verses a new sports Tier Package. Who knows?
voomvoom said:
EDIT: I think ESPN2HD is already part of the deal. It's a matter of all things combined. Such as cost per sub, available bandwidth, available HD content for summer and/or baseball. Is it worth the cost verses subscriber numbers verses possible sign-ups if made available verses where will we put it, in Voom basic verses VaVaVoom verses a new sports Tier Package. Who knows?

I agree it's part of the deal, I have a feeling that on 4/1/05 VOOM will have ESPN2-HD live due to the Encore-HD slot drop the previous night. If this happens I can't wait to see the faces on the D* subcribers :neener, and the doomsday clock goes back 1,2 or 3 hours.
screw espn2hd. there's hardly any hd sport on espnhd as it is! heck I watch more sports on tnthd (nba)
I Was Hoping For Espnu Anso When I Saw This. I Won't See My Buckeye's Hockey Game Now Tonight.

Hopefully Soon.
I think the next few rounds of channel additions will ALL be spanish language channels.

We probably will not see ESPN2HD or any of the RSN's until they change birds.
Walter, Portland kinda got screwed on the HD broadcasts this year. As I can recall, I've only seen them listed twice for HD all season.

The PQ is back, the love is back

Voom installed yesterday---Fell in love with it today!!!
