Earlier this evening when I turned on my 622 I got a message that my hard drive data was corrupted and that I would have to delete all data on the drive.
Whoa! Wait a minute... I've got lots of shows on there that I haven't seen yet. I wasn't going to just hit that big DELETE button. I rebooted the 622 and when it recovered it was working fine again. It even started recording the news... which it should have been recording before, but wasn't. Shows recorded earlier played back just fine, too.
Has anyone else seen this problem? It's really scary when you get that message! I hope it was just a software crash. I've had my 622 since February and except for a couple very minor problems it's been working great. I hope it's going to continue to work great.
Whoa! Wait a minute... I've got lots of shows on there that I haven't seen yet. I wasn't going to just hit that big DELETE button. I rebooted the 622 and when it recovered it was working fine again. It even started recording the news... which it should have been recording before, but wasn't. Shows recorded earlier played back just fine, too.
Has anyone else seen this problem? It's really scary when you get that message! I hope it was just a software crash. I've had my 622 since February and except for a couple very minor problems it's been working great. I hope it's going to continue to work great.