Cord Cutters

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Disagree with the Netflix, Hulu etc, thing is just switching providers. We have Netflix and there's a big difference between paying $7.99 a month and $155 a month. People can cry and moan over that if you have Netflix or whatever you're not a 'cord cutter', but that's silly, It's not trading one provider for another, they're totally different services from paid cable and sat services and most people have internet access whether they use Netflix or whatever anyway. More like being smart, is what it is.

Show me where I can get cable TV or paid satellite TV for $7.99 a month and then I'll agree with you that it's just 'switching providers' and nothing different.
Warning : The following is only MY opinion.

'Cord Cutting' is a misused term IMHO unless someone is completely living off the grid.I prefer to say 'Economizing'. ;) (We ain't retreating General...just charging in a different direction) I really enjoyed P Star and De-rect for many years.But I can no longer afford over $100 a month for tv.At 54 years old I think: What if I had only put all that money into savings for the future?

The cost was not even the main reason we dropped the D service.We realized that we were watching less and less as time went by...often watching old programming that we could get elsewhere.The daughter outgrew the children's programming available...and I refuse to let her watch the SMUT that passes for 'entertainment' now.Sometimes the daughter feels left out when her classmates discuss the latest episode of whatevva... but I'm proud to raise her to higher standards than the herd. Education is a GOOD thing.I wouldn't let my dog watch some of the garbage on tv now days. Obviously, most of the new programs do not appeal to me.I can honestly say that Sci-Fy is the only channel I miss.And I can adapt.Old war movies and Westerns galore.(Watched Chuck Norris kick butt last night.Does it get any better than that?)

I also had a huge problem with financially supporting networks that I never watched and disagreed with on moral and political grounds.When you pay for the service,part of that money goes to every channel in the package.I do not think that people with different moral/political/religious persuasions should be forced to pay for channels that run contrary to their beliefs either.I will not call the networks by name because this should not be a moral/religious/political discussion.Enuff said.

The wife now has more Spanish programming on C Band than she ever had when we paid! OTA is practically non-existent here in the hills of VA.

We pay for Netflix and I think it is a wise investment for us.I am more of a channel surfer myself though,and find it a bit tedious digging around for something to watch.The daughter enjoys the Netflix format the most.Different strokes. Eight bucks a month is easier than $112 to D. I'd rather spend a little of the difference on FTA equipment.Good folks like Titanium Satellite and others here in this group will get my $ rather than the huge entertainment industry. (I'm not above kickbacks and freebies,Titanium. <Joke> lmao)

.EarDemon said: "That's fine but, I don't want intellectual stimulating, I don't want educational, I don't want boring, I don't want high class. I want interesting fictional story lines, with blood, guts, some hot naked chicks, and I want to hear people talk like I do and swear a lot not use $10 words I need to Google. I want to laugh at farts, inappropriate remarks and other so called 'potty humor' and laugh at characters making fun or and belittling each other for enjoyment."

I think the above statement about says it all.That's what our Society has become.I'm sure that younger people will say that I'm just an old fart,out of touch with the times,etc,etc. Just let me have what makes me happy...and I'll be glad to let them pay for their services every month.

This was not meant to be offensive to anyone.

<Rant ended>
Off to shovel out the ditches after the deluge we got here yesterday.Been needing rain for a couple months...but didn't need it all in 1 hour! :wtf
Disagree with the Netflix, Hulu etc, thing is just switching providers. We have Netflix and there's a big difference between paying $7.99 a month and $155 a month. People can cry and moan over that if you have Netflix or whatever you're not a 'cord cutter', but that's silly, It's not trading one provider for another, they're totally different services from paid cable and sat services and most people have internet access whether they use Netflix or whatever anyway. More like being smart, is what it is.

Show me where I can get cable TV or paid satellite TV for $7.99 a month and then I'll agree with you that it's just 'switching providers' and nothing different.

Don't forget to factor in the cost of the Internet. Plus additional bandwidth and overage charges if you have to deal with caps. I imagine when the whole "cord cutting" phenomenon really starts hurting the bottom line of providers they will begin issuing lower caps to drive you back to cable or force you to pay more for Internet access.

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Don't forget to factor in the cost of the Internet. Plus additional bandwidth and overage charges if you have to deal with caps. I imagine when the whole "cord cutting" phenomenon really starts hurting the bottom line of providers they will begin issuing lower caps to drive you back to cable or force you to pay more for Internet access.

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Our internet is only $35 a month, so even if you add that, it's still way less. I myself don't really consider the price of the internet as part of the equation, because we would have internet access whether we streamed anything or not, for things such as Amazon and going on Satellite Guys.

I do believe that your are right in saying the price of internet may go up as more and more people move to streaming media rather than having paid packages, but even if that did happen, we wouldn't get paid TV services again.

Our Netflix sub is such a very small part of what we watch and if it went up in price by much, it would be cancelled and we wouldn't really miss it, it certainly wouldn't drive us back to getting a paid service. The low price is the only reason why we still have it. We did have Amazon Prime a while back too, mainly for their video streaming services, but when they raised their rates a while back, we canceled. Don't miss it at all, once in a blue moon we would watch a movie on there and with the cheap price I just kept it, with the increase, wasn't worth it for the one or two movies we might watch within a few months time on there. Netflix is pretty much the same deal, if it goes up a few dollars, it will be cancelled and not missed much.

Now, if OTA and FTA both go away, then I would be forced back to paid services!
Kidding, even in that scenario, think I'd buy DVDs or something first, because of the general overall low quality of a lot of the programming on paid services nowadays.
I have the lowest tier of internet 5Mbs for $39, with that I can keep my old phone number (incoming and 911 out only) for $1. I would have that service regardless of TV. With Over The Air (OTA) I receive 39 channels, FTA PBS and a Roku it is all I need. In the winter when the sun goes down early I buy Netflix. Otherwise nothing to Dish, DirecTV, or the local cable company. IMHO that IS "cord cutting" as the term is used in the news.
Without splitting hairs on what to call it -- the Cable/Satellite companies are hurting...:sobstory
It sounds like the previous two posters don't have to contend with data caps, which I unfortunately do. I tried "cord cutting" earlier this year and found that the money I saved was minimal due to the increased cost of Internet because of data overages. I ended up switching from DTV to Cable with a bundled Inet/pay TV service that is now saving me about $45/month.

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It sounds like the previous two posters don't have to contend with data caps, which I unfortunately do.

same here. I get approx 3GB a month between my hotspot and phone so its not like I can stream anything ;)

God it would be nice to get unlimited internet again. But due to location there are few options
I choose to live in a beautiful rural area without much choice of internet providers. When I bought my home I didn't give much thought toward cable TV or internet service because it didn't exist. I ended up installing a BUD in 1988 for TV and still use it daily. I have Dish for subscription TV. For me, that's all I need.

I have no intention of having cable run out to my home after all these years. I have the internet in my phone and it works great except for those 7 mb photo threads which crash this website. If I wanted I can add a hotspot service for my laptop or ipad. I barely find enough time now to watch TV with adding more tech I won't have time for.
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It sounds like the previous two posters don't have to contend with data caps, which I unfortunately do. I tried "cord cutting" earlier this year and found that the money I saved was minimal due to the increased cost of Internet because of data overages. I ended up switching from DTV to Cable with a bundled Inet/pay TV service that is now saving me about $45/month.

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Right, we don't have any data caps on our service here.
Cord-Cutters Drive Pay TV Losses to 625K

A sharp rise in cord-cutters during the second quarter helped drive pay TV customer losses to record highs in the period with the industry losing about 625,000 subscribers in the period, according to SNL Kagan.

According to Kagan, the losses were the heaviest to date, as total pay TV customers dropped to 100.4 million in the period. The losses were mainly driven by sharp declines at satellite TV and telco TV companies, who usually take up the slack for cable losses.
Cord cutters still tethered to cable companies for internet.... Lol

Some here are very lucky they can get internet for such a cheap monthly rate. TWC was $75/mo for internet alone. When we looked at it, it made sense to try the triple play bundle. We are now saving ~$100/mo for the 3 services. Our phone is crystal clear, internet speed doubled, and now have a lot more of nothing to watch.

FTA was a funny hobby, but not something the wife and kids wanted to deal with. As a single person , it would be easy to get by on streaming, ota, and a little FTA. With a family, not so much.

Happy wife, happy life.
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uh oh
over the weekend when I was at my moms I streamed Netflix most of the weekend (my stepdad has an account). Does that mean I have to turn in my "cord cutter" card? ;)
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