coolsat 4000 pro motor control problem

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Original poster
Jul 17, 2006
Just installed a motorized dish from Sadoun, 31" SG-2100 motor. The motor operates from manual button on motor but when I try to operate it from Coolsat Pro 4000 it will not move the dish. Manually or otherwise. Tried running a 50 foot brand new cable directly from motor to receiver and still doesn't work. Is there something I don't know about the receiver that is causing my problem? Are there any settings that would cause this?
Thanks, Don
Check your connections, as much of a cliche as this sounds, watch where you hook everything. You may have something bass-ackwards. It's happened to me when I'm too tired.

If there is no Diseqc switch involved yet, make sure you go in this order with the connections:
LNB to motor, then motor to receiver. Double check those connections on the motor.

That should cover all physical aspects. Now to the technicals. With the 4000, like I have, go and make sure each satellite in the dish setting area and make sure the USALS or Diseqc protocols are enabled. You may have missed it. If the Coolsat is sending motor commands, it SHOULD and most likely WILL say "Moving positioner" and the Sat it is headed towards.
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Make sure to have your Latitude (NORTH) and Longitude (WEST) entered in the antenna set up screen if you are using USALS.
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