Coolsat 4000 Pro 1.3 Firmware

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W_Tracy_Parnell said:
I had previously entered all the sats that I could see here so it must done it on its own. I wondered if they had updated the list to include more birds. Is SBS6 still missing then?

AMC 9 and SBS6 were both missing. I finally found Channel Master, for editing the channels, and I was also able to edit the satellites to where they look right and are in the correct order across the arc.

Does anyone need channel master? I couldn't get gtools to work.
timmy1376 said:
AMC 9 and SBS6 were both missing.

They need to fix that. Also, they need to rename the "Telstar" sats. The 3500 has a complete satellite list (at least I haven't noticed any omissions) so it gets points there although they need to fix the sat names too.
W_Tracy_Parnell said:
They need to fix that. Also, they need to rename the "Telstar" sats. The 3500 has a complete satellite list (at least I haven't noticed any omissions) so it gets points there although they need to fix the sat names too.

the 3500 even has the Direct satellites too :)
UPS man was right on time. :hungry:

Blind scan is really a step up from the Ultra. Faster and it ignores the data transponders that usually gave the Ultra fits.

I believe I also saw mention that the AC3 was not working.. well I can tell you it's loud and clear here, my 6 year old is enjoying PBS kids right now on AMC3. Receiver is showing ProLogic, but I'm assuming Clifford does not carry 5 channels. :)

The little bit I've played around with this thing so far- it's a winner. Box was delivered with the old software, upgraded to the factory 1.30 without a hitch.
lsat said:
UPS man was right on time. :hungry:

Blind scan is really a step up from the Ultra. Faster and it ignores the data transponders that usually gave the Ultra fits.

I believe I also saw mention that the AC3 was not working.. well I can tell you it's loud and clear here, my 6 year old is enjoying PBS kids right now on AMC3. Receiver is showing ProLogic, but I'm assuming Clifford does not carry 5 channels. :)

The little bit I've played around with this thing so far- it's a winner. Box was delivered with the old software, upgraded to the factory 1.30 without a hitch.

This sounds too good to be true to me. How are you connected to your audio receiver? Are you sure "Clifford" is not on PBS Montana? Not trying to doubt you, but I sure couldn't get Dolby Digital to work. :what
It's the PBSK feed, picture quality and transponder verification. Connected to the Denon via coax.

Menu--> System Setting-->A/V Output Setting-->SPDIF (ON)

Try that-
I think we need an expert to weigh in here. :)

I tried it and there is sound (Pro Logic not 5.1) on the PBS stations as you said. But, I moved over to the Pentagon Channel with AC3 and nothing. Same thing on Imagineasian and a couple of the Spanish channels there.

Is it possible that this is passing Dolby Pro Logic only and broadcasts in that format can be heard but true 5.1 broadcasts cannot? This is the only explanation I have for what I am experiencing tonight and for the other day when I ran my first test. I checked the SPDIF setting like you said and it was already on. So maybe the first test I did only 5.1 broadcasts were airing so I could not hear anything?

Really need an expert here to clear this up once and for all. :what :what :what
Calling All Experts

Well, now my brain is really fried. :confused:

According to the manual for my Sherwood receiver, when the red "Digital" light is on the source is Dolby Digital 5.1. Well, it is on on the PBS channels yet the others won't work. Then you go back to PBS and its on again. So I am getting AC3 on PBS only for some reason.

Isat, are you getting any AC3 besides PBS?
Getting ProLogic from Imagine Asia on G10R yes. My only other frame of reference for 5 channel audio would be PBSHD.. just checked the Quali and the current program on PBSHD is running ProLogic also so I can't tell whether or not the Coolsat would pass the multichannel signal.

Remember, AC3 doesn't necessarily mean Dolby Digital.

W_Tracy_Parnell said:
Well, now my brain is really fried. :confused:

According to the manual for my Sherwood receiver, when the red "Digital" light is on the source is Dolby Digital 5.1. Well, it is on on the PBS channels yet the others won't work. Then you go back to PBS and its on again. So I am getting AC3 on PBS only for some reason.

Isat, are you getting any AC3 besides PBS?
Ok, let me put it this way:

Why are you geting sound on Imagineasian and I am not?

BTW, so we can keep this all strait and perhaps get something figured out.
I am getting sound (and the red "digital" light comes on):

PBS Kids-yes
PBS X East-yes
PBS X West-yes
PBS You-yes
PBS HD-yes
Spanish (KEYU, KAMT) on G10-no
KBS World on G10-no
Nope, same thing nothing. Got up today and the same thing everywhere-all PBS and nothing anywhere else. I am going crazy trying to figure this one out. If the Coolsat did AC3 or at least passed sound of some kind on these channels I would probably keep it since I like the new firmware.

I have tried diffrent settings of my Sherwood to no avail. I have it set in "auto" mode where it is susposed to detect whatever comes through. I hook the Pansat up and the sound is there on all AC3 channels. Hook up the Coolsat PBS only. Maybe some of the members here can chime in with their experiences.
I didn't do any force feeding of PIDs. Fresh scans brought audio on those you listed WTP. Not sure about the spanish services, be interesting to see what others get.

The good news is those looking for audio at least on the PBS mux should be good to go.
lsat said:
Remember, AC3 doesn't necessarily mean Dolby Digital.
Not to be too picky here, but AC3 does mean Dolby Digital, they are synonymous. However...

Dolby Digital does not just mean 5.1 (5 "directional" channels + sub), there's also 2.0 and 1.0 (stereo and mono, respectively).

Your S/PDIF output should also be passing regular PCM mono or stereo output when tuned to non-AC3 channels. In the case of PCM stereo output, your audio receiver will do Dolby Pro-Logic if encoded in the program's stereo audio signal.

So far, on AC3 FTA channels, I've only seen (er, heard) 2-channel Dolby Digital 2.0 content. I don't have any HD-capable FTA devices though (at least not yet). If there are any 5.1 stations you can receive with a 2500A, let me know. I haven't checked back through all the AC3 channels in a while.

Later tonight if I get a chance I'll go back through the AC3 stations you list above, and report what my 2500A and audio receiver tell me, for what it's worth. :)
TuxCoder said:
Not to be too picky here, but AC3 does mean Dolby Digital, they are synonymous. .
That's what I thought but I am so confused at this point that I didn't want to say anything. Don't worry about being picky, I for one need information.
TuxCoder said:

Dolby Digital does not just mean 5.1 (5 "directional" channels + sub), there's also 2.0 and 1.0 (stereo and mono, respectively).

That's where I was wrong by equating DD and 5.1. Thanks for clearing that up.

TuxCoder said:
Your S/PDIF output should also be passing regular PCM mono or stereo output when tuned to non-AC3 channels. In the case of PCM stereo output, your audio receiver will do Dolby Pro-Logic if encoded in the program's stereo audio signal..
I am hearing sound on everything (regular channels too) except the stuff on G10 and Pentagon.
Thanks- I think that was I meant to say. :)

I can't remember whether or not I have seen PBSHD use 5.1 or if it had always been a ProLogic signal.
AC-3 and Dolby Digital are the same thing. The industry started referring to AC-3 as Dolby Digital in recent years. Pro equipment still labels it AC-3, but its all the same thing, a compressed multi-channel digital sound stream. This stream can contain one channel (mono), two channels (Dolby Digital 2.0), or several flavors of surround (4.0, 5.0, 5.1, and now 6.1 and 7.1 with Dolby Digital EX). Most, if not all, of the channels we get FTA are Dolby Digital stereo, or 2.0. Even though they are only two channel, they still require a Dolby Digital decoder since they are carried in the compressed Dolby Digital stream.

"Pro Logic" is not Dolby Digital or AC-3, it is the older "matrix" analog surround sound system which was derived from the stereo tracks. As TuxCoder pointed out, it can also be derived from PCM uncompressed left and right channels, if they're encoded for it. Pro Logic used left, right, center, and a surround channel. When an old analog Pro Logic soundtrack is digitized as a Dolby Digital stream, as on some DVDs, it is often called Dolby Digital 4.0 (left, right, center, surround, no subwoofer).

There are two types of digital audio streams that come from the SPDIF outputs on our FTA receivers, whether these outputs are optical or coaxial-- 1) PCM uncompressed digital sound, which is what most of our FTA channels are encoded with, and 2) Dolby Digital (AKA AC-3) compressed digital sound. I suspect that many channels are going to AC-3 (Dolby Digital) in order to save bandwidth, since uncompressed PCM takes up more space on the stream.

AC-3 streams require a receiver or amp capable of decompressing Dolby Digital, whereas PCM streams can be played back on standard digital PC speakers. If you try to send such speakers a Dolby Digital (AC-3) stream, you get a very loud and obnoxious chirping sound. This is because the speakers do not contain circuitry to decompress the Dolby Digital stream.

W, I'm not sure why you're getting the AC-3 from PBS and not from ImaginAsian or the couple of other DD channels on G-10R... Is there a way to manually put the Sherwood into Dolby Digital mode? The more I think about it, the more it sounds like a bug with the new Coolsat firmware.

Thanks for your reply and the excellent explanation. They should start a new FAQ wing here called "Tron's Tech Talks" :) .

I will play with my Sherwood when I get time and see if there is anything on this end I can do. I think you may be right though about a "bug" in the firmware that somehow makes it not compatible with every channel. I am hoping other users that install the new firmware will chime in soon with their experiences.

My idea in having the AC3 capability was to mainly hear PBS so I am probably going to put the Pansat 3500 on Ebay Monday since I like the new Coolsat blind scan and other features.
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