StevenD Supporting Founder Original poster Supporting Founder Nov 18, 2003 3,412 436 n Mar 9, 2004 #1 My "Last Visited" time is still showing 9:05 PM last night. Ive got over 900 unread posts. How do I get this reset? Thanks.
My "Last Visited" time is still showing 9:05 PM last night. Ive got over 900 unread posts. How do I get this reset? Thanks.
Scott Greczkowski Welcome HOME! Staff member HERE TO HELP YOU! Cutting Edge Sep 7, 2003 103,491 28,655 Newington, CT Mar 9, 2004 #2 Log out and back in, you got a stuck cookie.
hancox Pub Member / UConnaholic Supporting Founder Nov 23, 2003 3,593 68 Monroe, CT Mar 9, 2004 #3 I get this all of the time since the upgrades. For some reason, the timestamp only changes if I do something drastic (like mark all forums read), but doesn't otherwise. The read/not read flag doesn't work all of the time - ANNOYING
I get this all of the time since the upgrades. For some reason, the timestamp only changes if I do something drastic (like mark all forums read), but doesn't otherwise. The read/not read flag doesn't work all of the time - ANNOYING
StevenD Supporting Founder Original poster Supporting Founder Nov 18, 2003 3,412 436 n Mar 9, 2004 #4 Thats didnt work the first time I logged off and back on again. But it works now. Thanks.
A_Noland SatelliteGuys Regular Supporting Founder Sep 8, 2003 438 6 Owasso, OK Mar 9, 2004 #5 I was having problems with that earlier today. Now it seams to be working.