Convert Your Bar’s Facebook Followers into Customers

All these people like my bar on Facebook, but I don’t have that many customers! As a bar owner, do you find yourself saying this? If so, you need to read this post. We share some tough love with you: many people who “like” your bar’s Facebook page are friends, family members who think they’re “doing you a favor.” Now here’s the good news: There are things you can do to get these and other followers to become customers in your bar. Signal Connect talked with a group of bar owners to bring you these tips for converting Facebook followers into customers at your bar.

Become a “Thought Leader” Among Bars​

Have you ever heard the term “thought leader?” Its most basic definition is “someone whose views on a subject are accepted as authoritative and influential.” Why are we telling you this? Because smart bar owners use their business’s Facebook page to become the thought leaders on drinks and food in their communities. (You already are, but the following tips will help other people recognize this fact.)

When it comes to Facebook posts, education is far more effective than sales and marketing. Seriously! Bar owners whose posts teach people things about the food and drinks served at their establishments are social media marketing experts. When you freely teach people things they don’t know, they quickly begin to recognize you as the expert in your field.

Here are some ways to use your Facebook page to become a “thought leader” among bars in your community:

  1. Share some facts about a new craft or microbrew beer you sell. (Where it’s brewed, its unique flavor profile, interesting facts about the product, etc.)
  2. Feature a “new cocktail of the week” post on Facebook. (Share the drink’s recipe, pics, and what it tastes like, etc.)
  3. Discuss the differences between the wines you offer. (There is so much you could teach people about this subject!)
  4. Host surveys about what types of drinks or food your followers would like to offer. (This shows you value other people’s opinions.)
  5. Cruise through Facebook to see what other bar thought leaders are doing, and incorporate the best into your social media strategy.

Bar Events Promotions​

Do you host events such as dart/pool leagues, karaoke, and trivia night? If so, you need to post about these events on your bar’s Facebook page. Yes, you probably already let people know the dates, times, and details of these events, but that’s marketing. You also should focus on educating people about various aspects of these events. (Again, it’s all about establishing yourself as the thought leader in your community.)

Here are just a few ideas for educational content about your bar’s events. Just remember that the key to all of this is education. You’re not trying to sell people on your event, you’re trying to offer them interesting information about your activities:

  1. Where “karaoke” gets its name and what it means. (Hint: it’s Japanese for karappo (empty) and oke/okesutura (orchestra). It essentially means “empty orchestra.”)
  2. A list of the most popular karaoke songs, as well as songs customers shouldn’t sing on karaoke night. (Talk to the DJ for ideas.)
  3. If you have a dart league, share some dart-throwing tips on your Facebook page. Same goes for pool and any other “bar sports” you offer.
  4. If you know a local dart champion or pool shark, ask them for tips to share.
  5. If you have a video game in your bar, such as one in the Big Buck Hunter series, brag about your high score. Some people will take this as a challenge and come to your bar to beat your score. (You can sell them food and drinks while they’re there.)

Put the “Social” in Social Media Marketing​

Many bar owners have Facebook pages for their businesses, but not all of them make the most of this marketing tool. What’s the biggest mistake bar owners make? They don’t use this free tool to interact with their followers, customers, or community. In other words, they’re taking the social out of social media. That’s a shame, because they’re missing out on a great opportunity to convert followers into customers.

Here are some ways to interact with your Facebook followers:

  1. Like and comment on their comments to your page. (Seems like a no-brainer, but some business owners neglect this… to their detriment.)
  2. Host surveys on your page – what’s their favorite beer, wine, mixed drink, etc. – and encourage people to share their opinion. (This provides valuable market research while encouraging interaction.)
  3. Take pictures during the variety of special events you host, then post those pics to your Facebook page. (Be sure to tag as many patrons as you can in these photos so their friends – people who might follow your page – can see the fun they’re missing.)
  4. Encourage your bartenders and wait staff to engage your page with a variety of posts, etc.

Good Luck with Your Social Media Marketing​

When you use Facebook to educate and interact with your followers, they’ll see your bar as more than just a place that sells food and drinks. These folks will start to think of you as the expert in these subjects. It also gets them interested in your bar. If you keep it up, eventually your followers will say, “I need to go check that place out.” If you wow them during their first visit, they might very well become regulars, which is exactly what you want.

Bonus Tip: Get DIRECTV for Your Bar​

Do you want another way to get more people into your business? Get DIRECTV in your bar or restaurant. Many people love to watch games and other sporting events at bars, and having DIRECTV can help you attract these people. There’s a good chance these folks will stay longer and order more food and drinks for you. This boosts your revenue, which is the whole point.

The post Convert Your Bar’s Facebook Followers into Customers appeared first on The Solid Signal Blog.

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