Band Geek Champions
My favorite was a whole fall and a bit of the next summer.
My Senior year we went undefeated in marching band competitions.
A competition every weekend during the fall (we even did a double one weekend and found out our score later). Marched during University of Kentucky football halftime.
Senior Trip was an international competition for both parade and symphony. Took gold in both!
I still have my band jacket but wish it wan't torn so much and too small or that I was a little skinnier.
My favorite was a whole fall and a bit of the next summer.
My Senior year we went undefeated in marching band competitions.
A competition every weekend during the fall (we even did a double one weekend and found out our score later). Marched during University of Kentucky football halftime.
Senior Trip was an international competition for both parade and symphony. Took gold in both!
I still have my band jacket but wish it wan't torn so much and too small or that I was a little skinnier.