Thank you Satellite Guys and Gals for your entries to win either a Red or Black Amiko A3 DVBS2 Media Center STB. This contest is now closed.
Your interest in the Android based A3 receiver, contest participation and pre-order sales have been great! There was a production delay, so we expect to ship the A3 STB on or about August 4th.
Now you are probably curious of the color choice tally....I ran out of fingers so did a quick paper count:
Black: 57
Red: 76
Either: 2
An interesting factoid... The reality of pre-orders: 90% pre-ordered Black color / 10% pre-ordered Red color.
Tomorrow we will post the winner of the Amiko A3. Thank you again for your support and interest in our products!
Your interest in the Android based A3 receiver, contest participation and pre-order sales have been great! There was a production delay, so we expect to ship the A3 STB on or about August 4th.
Now you are probably curious of the color choice tally....I ran out of fingers so did a quick paper count:
Black: 57
Red: 76
Either: 2
An interesting factoid... The reality of pre-orders: 90% pre-ordered Black color / 10% pre-ordered Red color.

Tomorrow we will post the winner of the Amiko A3. Thank you again for your support and interest in our products!
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