Contest: Enter to Win a Titanium Satellite C1W-PLL Wideband LNBF - Ends 3/17/2014

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Still waiting to install my C1PLL... Maybe tomorrow, too busy driving the heavy duty snow blower around cleaning up the roads and yards in my area. Have put on a lot of hours this year doing the snow removal thing, it's starting to get a bit long in the tooth though. I did finish up early enough today to install my corotor/LNB setup on the big C-band dish before darkness came.
I have been looking forward to testing out the ASC1 on the LNBs, and so far it works great! Now the ASC1 controls the actuator as well as the horz/vert servo, so the AzBox can run the whole thing now... no playing around with the old analog receiver, think it will soon be retired. Nice hot signals, even 103w Ku shows up as bright as ever.

Back to the C1PLL; the dish it will be going is in deep snow, the bottom of the 8" dish is buried now I think. Will have to do some digging! At least with all that snow I won't need a step ladder to reach the focal point. It is a multi-feed system where I have currently an ESX241 and a C2. I would like to use three C1PLLs so if I win one I would be in great shape! I occasionally look to the east and there are some TPs of interest in the 3.5MHz range so the wideband unit would be a good fit.

Now we need MELTING! This snow has been here long enough!

Thanx for the contest Brian!

Springtime for me will be mud time since the ground is just now thawing out and causing a mess. But it sure beats these ridiculously cold months of snow and ice.
Like others, I'm just ready to get OUT OF THE HOUSE! Seems like the longest, coldest winter in my life. Maybe it is, I heard some weather service say it has been the coldest in 100yrs or more, maybe longer than that. Still have to finish the house painting job I did last summer-I got it all except the ceiling of the front porch before it got too cold to paint.
Then, like usual I will try to plow the mud and plant some rice, er, vegetables lol. As Mel Brooks said, "Hope for the best, expect the worst".
tell us why you look forward to Springtime
I've had ENOUGH!
ENOUGH BROKEN or FROZEN WATERLINES(that's going to happen again, once it starts warming, but it's easier lugging water when it's warm)
I'd like to drive from here to there, and back again, in daylight with the window open.
Both ways! what a concept.
I don't do winter! I don't ski. I don't snowboard, I don't ice skate, I don't snowmobile. I don't like hockey. And I hate X-Mas shopping. Bah Humbug!!
Yea I'm ready for Spring ;)
I'm ready to catch a few Crappie, and if our weather mans prediction holds for this coming Tuesday, that's exactly what I hope to be doing.
I'm looking forward to spring because as soon as the frost is out of the ground I have a 10 foot radio shack dish to plant. I bought it in late fall still in the box and have been itching to get it in the ground and a new C1W-PLL would really set it off.
I would like spring to arrive so that I can install the nice white solid BUD I found last summer.

The mount for the dish is in front of the spruce tree in this picture. Let's play "find the dish".

A Titanium C-band PLL LNBF would be a great match when (if?) the snow melts.

I'm ready for springtime to start, and play with my BUD c-bands, and specially because the wideband lnbf in the contest is the right for the satellites I pick up here in North Carolina, at 22W, 40.5W,45W, 50W, 55.5W, 58W and 65W, all of them but 58W have lots of channels channels in the 3.6 GHz-3.7 GHz range.
Thank you!
I am looking for the ground to dry out. The mud is getting deep with the rain and freeze/thaw. "He brought me out of the miry clay...." Not sure I could use this LNB, but... I finally got a house rented out so should have some cash flow, and therefore get C-Band up with the help of our well driller(!) when the ground gets firmer!
Springtime is always a treat. My fiancee and I can finally get our bikes out of storage and ride again. We've been stuck indoors for too long and could use some outdoor time. We're also moving to a south-facing apartment in the next month or two, so I'll be able to point a dish at 125W and attempt a miniBUD for NHK at 58W. Winning a PLL LNBF would be perfect for that :D
Contest: Enter to Win a Titanium Satellite C1W-PLL Wideband LNBF - Ends 3/17/...

Not much rain. No snow. Need both but still looking forward to Spring, so the place will turn green and I can mow, mow, mow the grass again to keep the rattlesnakes away. I'll use the contest prize on my new used ten ft. C band dish.

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Spring and Fall are my favorite seasons, as the temperature is neither too hot nor too cold. Time to do some maintenance on the dish farm, hopefully involving Titanium's new LNBF!
Why do I look forward to Springtime? because I do have too much snow outside and expecting another 15 cm today ( about 6 inches) and tired of shoveling. Also I would like to start playing again with the 6 ft dish. Aside of it, I really love winter.
Isn't is amazing how different forms of life spring back to life at first first sign of spring? I love to see flowers bloom and watch insects pollinate them.
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Help a new guy.

1.2M Stationary Ku Band Dish With Multiple LNBF
